Reconciliation is coming but without the progressive transformation wishlist


The progressives (socialists and communists) came on the scene with the Squad led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Bernie Sanders acolyte. She was funded by deep-pocketed leftists and elected in a district where most don’t bother to vote or can’t legally vote.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi then embraced the Squad and party comrades, and off and running they went. However, Progressives’ have a problem. They want uncompromising socialism/communism or nothing. So far, nothing is what they got. That is why they are demanding the elimination of the filibuster. Reconciliation isn’t giving them what they want because they don’t have enough clout.

So far, Pelosi’s bills have died in the Senate. The For the People Act, The John Lewis Voting Rights Act, amnesty and citizenship, corporate tax increases, The Equality Act, the elimination of the filibuster, the Green New Deal, and now the $3.5 trillion human infrastructure act is terminal.

Ideologues are also zealots, and they want it all. This is their chance to fundamentally transform America. As Barack Obama said, this time it seems different, so they went for it all, and because of that, will likely get nothing.


So far, it’s a net-zero with their figurehead president collapsing under the weight of his own dishonesty, incompetence, and physical infirmities. Time is running out for this round.

Progressives demanded reconciliation as their path to socialism/communism through the Democrat Party. Democrats did not get their mandate in 2020, but they are going for it anyway.

The Democrats in the House and Senate adopted Bernie Sanders’s reckless spending package. This is after trillions were spent on COV, to say nothing of the added regulations and killer policies that drove inflation.

The reconciliation deal they went for cannot add to the deficit or fundamentally change pubic policy but they are doing both in the bill.

Democrats claim it will cost “zero,” which no one believes. But it is the latest talking point as they desperately try to save the mess. Democrats Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema don’t want it and won’t vote for it in its current form. Manchin said his top dollar amount is $1.5 trillion which is still too much. We are $29 trillion in debt and Joe’s killing the economy.


The $3.5 trillion mess fines companies into bankruptcy for every unvaxxed person. It punishes the rich for their success but then lets them deduct all their state taxes from their federal. The middle class will keep getting hit with inflation.

Progressives will give the money to illegal aliens and other favored voting blocs. They will seriously damage agriculture and energy, driving up the costs of everything to allegedly fight climate change.

The plan is to make us a huge welfare state while we have open borders.

When reconciliation does happen and the debt ceiling is raised to pay for it all (it has been raised 78 times since the 1960s), the hardcore left will have nothing of what they want.

The problem is still a problem. When all these anonymous, unassimilated people do get citizenship, they will likely vote for Democrats as has been the history. And as our schools and businesses teach their victims America is terrible and we’re all racists, the upcoming youth will vote Democrat.


For now, the Build Back Better agenda is not zero dollars and it’s not fully paid for by any means.

“The proposed tax hikes to corporations, individuals, and capital gains will not raise as much as claimed because of the negative impacts to the economy,” Chris Edwards, the director of tax policy studies at the Cato Institute, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Edwards also added that Democrats’ assertion the economic gains would cancel the $600 billion shortfall “has no hard backing,” pointing to a study from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget that showed the legislation giving the economy a smaller boost than projected.

“Politicians are assuming that extra government spending would be higher in value than the private spending it displaced,” Edwards added.

The proposed hikes, only generate $2.9 trillion. The remaining $600 billion is allegedly accounted for by the pie-in-the-sky economic growth and revenue increases the package would allegedly generate. Olsen said that the recent scores on the bill “suggest [Biden’s claim] is not true,” since they relied on “optimistic assessments” of the revenue it would generate and its effect on the economy.

You know how these things go. They build their dreams on the money we don’t have and spend a lot more than they claimed. What is good about all this is we see where Democrats are headed and Americans need to head it off. There is still time.

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