Republicans Might Renege on Shutting Down the Border


This morning on Brian Kilmeade’s radio show, Senator Cornyn, who some, like me, believe is a RINO, said that Republicans will work on the border closure incrementally. He said Representative Lankford is coming close to working out something. We can get a better deal once we win the election in 2024. This might be the best we could do for now.

He doesn’t understand that if they don’t do something now, they won’t win the election in November.

Donald Trump seems to be the only one serious about closing the border and deporting the invaders. We have both sides working against us because it’s become a Uniparty.

The border security provisions are subject to negotiations by Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.). Sinema and Murphy are radical Left.

Lankford, who had long been gloomy about the prospects of getting a deal done quickly, expressed optimism that the text for the border agreement could come this week.

“Text hopefully this week, to be able to get that out. Everybody will have time to be able to read and go through it. No one’s going to be jammed in this process,” Lankford told “Fox News Sunday.”

“This agreement has to work. Everyone’s counting on this actually working.”

Politico Playbook said this morning that there wouldn’t be any text this week.

The biggest sticking point remains the presidential asylum authority known as parole, which Republicans want to severely restrict. Curtailing parole, which gives presidents wide latitude to temporarily [it will be forever] admit migrants for [fake] humanitarian or other reasons, is a red line for many progressives.

The $100 billion-plus that we don’t have for Israel, China, and Taiwan hangs on this deal – allegedly. Can Republicans stick with the fight?

CBS reported on Sunday that the White House “is weighing whether to restrict” parole: “[D]uring a White House meeting on Friday, Mr. Biden’s advisers recognized that a border deal with Republicans would not be possible without the administration agreeing on limiting parole, people briefed on those talks told CBS News.”

A source close to the talks told Playbook that Biden’s advisers didn’t cede any ground and that parole remains off the table for the White House.

Who wants to bet Republicans cave? They worked out a spending deal which means they won’t shut down the government. That’s the biggest leverage they had.

Tim Young tweeted the Senate’s priorities in the spending bill: $65.5 billion to Ukraine $14.4 billion to Israel $5.31 billion to Customs and Border protection $2.35 billion to ICE $755 million for US Citizenship and Immigration Trump wanted roughly $10 billion to finish the wall. Uniparty for America Last.


Republicans back down, and Democrats don’t. That leaves us with a Uniparty. Speaker Johnson got almost nothing on the spending bill and hasn’t released the J6 tapes, so the Sentinel is not optimistic about the border. If no one will even stop this insanity as military Chinese men pour into the country along with criminals from Venezuelan prisons, then the only hope is Donald Trump. If it’s not too late already.

Unfortunately, Gov. DeSantis took money from Jeb Bush and other Uniparty donors. Nikki is a dummy and establishment. That’s it. Biden and the entire Democrat Party leadership are communists and fascists. Robert Kennedy is a nice guy, but he is far left on most issues – he’s just not a communist.

Meanwhile, Mayorkas continues to lie his fool head off.

This is horrible:

More lies:

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