Rittenhouse Isn’t on Trial, Self-Defense Is on Trial and That’s Terrifying


The political persecution of Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t really about Kyle Rittenhouse. Self-defense is on trial. Guns are on trial as well. It seems it’s all one-sided, however. Depriving an American citizen of the right to self-defense only applies to the Left’s political opponents.

It reminds me of Justice Stephens famous remark, “You Have the ‘Constitutional Right’ to Call 911, Not to Own a Gun.”

The Rittenhouse prosecution has lost the case. Their defense witnesses backed up Kyle Rittenhouse’s self-defense claims and now it’s just a persecution.

The prosecutor kept questioning Kyle on how far away he was from Rosenbaum, suggesting Rosenbaum was too far away to be a threat. He kept questioning Kyle if the gun was held directly to his head. Additionally, the prosecutor seems to think that since Kyle’s gun was bigger, he should NOT have reacted to Gaige Grosskreutz’s Glock aimed at his head.

The first assailant was a violent pedophile, the second one tried to beat him to death with a skateboard and the third, a member of the People’s Revolution, had a Glock aimed at his head.

The judge had to lambast the prosecutor multiple times for breaking protocol while the questioning of Rittenhouse turned into an absolute circus. The prosecutor made up a ridiculous scenario of video games and Kyle had to tell him video games aren’t real.

Judge Schroeder’s phone went off and his ring tone is Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.” Democrats are flipping mad about that and demonizing the judge as biased.

God forbid any judge wants God to bless the USA.

Hakeem Jeffries, the number one candidate to take Speaker Pelosi’s place, wants Kyle locked up for life, Meanwhile, he’s big on letting felons out of jail in New York.

The Leftists are even discussing having him killed on Twitter if he’s not convicted. Rasputin Dorsey doesn’t seem to mind.

This took place as police were being defunded and told to stand down. The mayor let the lunatics burn the city. That night, the radicals were very, very violent.

Watch, this should terrify you. What leftists are doing to this country is devastating:

They were mostly peaceful protests:

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