Rolling Blackout Gavin Bans Natural Gas Heaters, Furnaces by 2030


The California Air Resources Board (CARB) voted unanimously last week to pass a plan to ban natural gas heaters and furnaces by 2030. It’s a first for a state, which seems to be the most important thing for liberals.

They said they want to meet federal ozone standards.

CARB will have “meaningful engagement” with residents on heaters and furnaces.

“Beginning in 2030, 100 percent of sales of new natural gas space heaters and water heaters would need to comply with the emission standard,” CARB says.

“This measure won’t mandate retrofits in existing buildings, but some buildings would require retrofits to be able to use the new technology that this measure would require. Beginning in 2030, 100 percent of new space and water heaters (for either new construction or replacement of burned-out equipment in existing buildings) sold in California would need to meet the zero-emission standard. It is expected that this regulation would rely heavily on heat pump technologies currently being sold to electrify new and existing homes.”

Claiming electric heaters emit “zero emissions” does not consider how electricity is generated. Renewable energy sources account for about one-third of California’s power supply; natural gas accounts for 40%.

“California’s Public Utilities Commission also eliminated subsidies for new natural gas hookups last week, marking the first state to do so.”

They boast that natural gas heaters and furnaces will lower emissions to reduce utility bills, but it seems they plan to do it by depriving people of power. They haven’t explained how they will heat homes and provide cooking fuel as they struggle to provide electricity to residents during periods of high demand.

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