Ron Paul’s Warning Is Coming True as War Looms


Call Ron Paul crazy if you want but he has been right on so many things. It should become clear to people now how far the military complex and warmongering politicians are willing to go for Ukraine. They’ve brought a lot of conservatives along with them, and that’s unfortunate. It is a very dangerous game.

Of course, no one wants to see the Ukrainian people suffer and Russia needs to get out of their country, but we can’t fight every war.

The economic sanctions alone are greatly harming the US and the EU, already endangered by the insane think tank billionaires of The Great Reset.

The US has a moral obligation to refrain from warring with nuclear nations but the people behind the war machine appear to be quite reckless.

The lack of debate and information is dumbing down the population. In addition to our extreme debt, we have fools running the government, and we are being fed a lot of propaganda. There is so much propaganda, we don’t know what the truth is and if anyone speaks against the approved narrative, they are called Putin puppets.

Pedro Gonzalez, the associate editor of Chronicles magazine, notes that the US is encouraging regime change. Allegedly, it is “to promote civil society.” In this ten-minute clip below, host Kara McKinney and Gonzalez explain the role the US has in Ukraine with fake democratic movements.

The US has been destabilizing nations, especially since the ’90s, according to McKinney and Gonzalez.

It is so clear the US has not pursued peace with Russia for years, they explain.


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