Chris Pavlovski, the founder of Rumble, fled the EU after Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, was arrested in France. Rumble was also threatened. Pavlovski said he would fight these neo-Marxists. He believes freedom of expression is a universal human right.
Some believe that these platforms represent absolutism and won’t recognize that some speech is bad. The problem always comes back to who decides what is acceptable or not. The decision-makers always end up being authoritarians. The other question is, when is free speech criminal? The EU thinks that if someone does something illegal on a platform, the CEO is guilty.
Rumble CEO, Chris Pavlovski, has fled the European Union after the arrest of Telegram’s CEO and the threatening of Rumble itself.
We are witnessing the real-time takedown of freedom of speech in the neo-Marxist Western countries.
If freedom is lost now, it may be lost forever.
— Paul Mitchell (@PaulMitchell_AB) August 25, 2024
China bans Rumble
France threatens Rumble, we leave
Brazil threatens Rumble, we leave
UK threatens Rumble
Russia bans Rumble
New Zealand threatens RumbleFrance arrests Telegram CEO
Free speech is under major assault and I will not stop fighting for it.
— Chris Pavlovski (@chrispavlovski) August 25, 2024
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