Russia-Trump Is Likely Winding Down, Probably Turns Into a Nasty Report


The two-year long Mueller Russia probe/possibly witch hunt might be heading to a conclusion with no visible evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. It’s unclear if Mueller is looking into obstruction of justice.

Yahoo News reports special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors have told defense lawyers in recent weeks that they are “tying up loose ends” in their investigation.

As for Flynn not serving prison time, it is a logical response. The information on Flynn was illegally leaked, the agents did not think he lied, they prosecuted on The Logan Act which is never used and is probably unconstitutional, and anything Flynn might have done had no effect concerning Russia and Turkey. The surveillance, the alleged collusion, all of it comes down to the Hillary dossier — the poison tree.

The climax may finally be coming in the next few weeks.

At the same time in conclusion, Mueller is filing memos about former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen.

There are a lot of redactions about another criminal investigation and we don’t know what that is. But it does not appear to be the Russia collusion investigation.

The truth is the President chose some bad actors to help with his campaign. The FBI also acted badly and didn’t inform him that they had been investigating Paul Manafort for years. They did, however, warn Dianne Feinstein about her Chinese spy and they warned McCain about his bad actor.


Nothing so far implicates Trump. In the Flynn case, in particular, Giuliani says they have “Bubkis“. Mueller recommended no jail time for Flynn after bankrupting the man and keeping him on the hook for two years. Guiliani said the prosecutors are “sick puppies”. It appears from the memo that Flynn helped with some cases but not with anything to do with the President.

Giuliani said, “This whole thing started as an orchestrated attempt to take the president out of office as an insurance policy.”

Giuliani told Politico on the Flynn filing, “Wow big crime for a SPECIAL WHATEVER maybe a group of Angry Bitter Hillary Supporters who are justifying themselves by the goal justifies the means…Over the top In ethical behavior.”


Former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Andy McCarthy wrote in an article for the National Review that Mueller is “building a report, not a case.” The case was always a counterintelligence probe and not a criminal investigation. Mueller does not have a crime he is investigating. He is probing in hopes of finding a crime.

The fact that it’s a counterintelligence probe allows Mueller to go on fishing expeditions.

McCarthy says prosecutors should not be involved until a crime is established since they have intimidating investigative powers. As McCarthy said, we don’t look for prosecutors to manufacture crimes through the process of investigating.

While people should not lie to prosecutors, none of these crimes existed until Mueller investigated and caught them lying.

There is no crime of collusion as Rod Rosenstein said some time ago.

There was a great analysis during Fox’s Ingraham Angle last night and you might want to listen to this, especially to Victor Davis Hansen’s comments.

Go from 06:00 to about 23:00 for the full analysis from the Ingraham Angle:


However, the real threat now could be financial. Mueller sent Cohen’s case to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York. The President has made billions and Michael Cohen, who claims to know all and says he has tapes, is a bottom-feeder who cannot be trusted. Could there be a crime in there somewhere? Of course, there could be, and if there is one, it will be found during a fishing expedition in New York. The unethical NY attorney general has sworn to get Trump.

The entire probe was to get enough data to impeach the President and Alan Dershowitz, who knows Mueller, says the report will be devastating to the President. In other words, we believe this entire fiasco will continue in some form until 2020 but we hope we are wrong.


E.W. “Bill” Piestap is retiring from the FBI. The timing is suspicious. He was Peter Strzok’s boss and was involved in the probe every step of the way. He was deep into the Hillary probe. Bill is mentioned in hundreds of Strzok text messages.

The Hill claims Priestap’s departure is unrelated to the 2016 investigations and the questions that have been raised about them, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The FBI said in a statement to the newspaper that Priestap “became eligible to retire and has chosen to do so after 20 years of service.”

Now gone are FBI Director James Comey, Deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe, special agent Peter Stzok, Chief Legal Counsel James Baker, Attorney for McCabe, Lisa Page, and, now, Director of CoIntel W.H. Bill Priestap. All were involved in the poison tree — the dossier that prompted the investigation. The truth about who put the dossier together and why was never told to the secret court that okayed the surveillance.


CNN also did an analysis from another perspective. Michael Isikoff points to the language about the Russia-Trump coordination indicating the investigation is over. However, the former solicitor general who spoke on the clip below wants it to be about Russia-Trump collusion case. Both men are biased left. Chris Cuomo is desperate to make it about the President.

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