Homelessness in San Francisco is now so bad that residents are being asked to take a homeless person home with them and put them up in a spare room. Politicians and charities claim locals want to be part of the solution.
Homelessness, which is overwhelmingly caused by drug-addicted, and mentally ill men, is so bad that local charities and politicians are asking local families to take the homeless into their homes, giving them their spare rooms, mostly for free.
Never mind the danger that untreated drug-addicted and mentally people present to the untrained or anyone for that matter. Some homeless are families and that might be a different situation, but they are very few.
The Mayor of Richmond, a city in the Bay area, has local landlords putting homeless people into empty apartments. Again, there is a danger to the innocent, from sanitation to crime.
The program gives landlords a year’s rent to ignore employment and background checks for tenants. That isn’t dealing with the problem. So far, the Mayor claims tenants aren’t concerned. He says these are lower-end apartments anyway. In other words, he’s dumping more misery on the poor and their children who will be exposed to the drug-addicted and all the dealers who hang around them.
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When asked how residents feel about it, Mayor Butt of Richmond said they just want homeless encampments gone. “They are more concerned with the homeless camps,” Mayor Tom Butt said. “People want to see solutions, and want to be part of the solution.”
They could start by not keeping the borders open to drug dealers and put the money into helping the drug-addicted people. They could put them in facilities with people who can care for them. Don’t give them drugs or drug pipes, encouraging more addiction. Look at what was done in the past and replicate it but improve upon it.
Officials are putting the problem on the backs of others instead of arresting people who commit crimes and keeping them in jail. Many of these people are criminals who steal for their drug habit. Put them in prison and give them rehab there. If they are mentally ill, build facilities for them and house them with doctors and mental health professionals. Let Silicone Valley pay for it.
Then there is the pro-crime, anti-police DA Georges Gascon. Get rid of him.
Researcher and author, Michael Shellenberger, and LA Sheriff Villaneuva have called for addressing the problem at its core. Many of the criminals being released from prisons end up on the streets. The fools attack them instead of listening to them.
People blame the pandemic for increasing crime & homelessness but Sheriff Villanueva of Los Angeles, a Democrat, says two of the biggest causes were letting 28,000 people out of prison and Gov. @GavinNewsom inviting homeless to come to California from out-of-state pic.twitter.com/yvg4WUDA3E
— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) February 6, 2022
Neither Villanueva nor I said nor believe prisoner release + inviting in homeless were the only causes of the increased crime/drug/chaos.
Villanueva pointed to the District Attorney not enforcing many laws, and reduced morale from progressive anti-police activists, as factors pic.twitter.com/TiBNosN3xD
— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) February 8, 2022
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