The Left is destroying school standards with the big lie and with cheating
Every minority child gets a trophy
I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.
~ Sophocles
Several California school districts are dropping D and F grades as if that will somehow improve the quality of students’ work. Perhaps they think it will make them feel better about themselves and serve as encouragement. Whatever the reasons, as an educator for 33 years, I can safely say it won’t work.
This is how it works. You learn the material, do your homework, contribute in class, and you get a grade denoting that effort. If you don’t, you get a poor grade and you should feel bad about that. That should be the impetus to encourage a student who isn’t working. As for students who can’t, they should get extra help.
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The lowering of grades is aimed at minorities. Instead of giving them the proper assistance and the correct messages, they’re going to lie about their achievements.
They’re lying and cheating – the teachers and administrations, I mean.
California is giving students incompletes and eventually, they get a grade, but it won’t be a D or an F, no matter how much they earned it.
Los Angeles Unified, Oakland Unified, Sacramento City Unified, San Diego Unified are among the districts doing this.
Ed Source says the goals are to cause students to “re-engage” in school and to boost their chances of acceptance into the state’s public colleges. It is also designed to “especially” help “Black, Latino, and low-income students,” according to the same source.
Wow, really? Shocker.
It will get them into schools where they will continue to expect to get decent grades or at least Cs while earning Ds and Fs.
As George W. Bush said, it’s the soft bigotry of low expectations.”
Minority children can succeed as well as white children and should be held to high standards. These California do-gooders are racists who think they can’t.
The current grading system is viewed as subjective and white, but it’s not. It’s a logical standard to succeed in this world. All the new system does is lie and prevent people from knowing how the student is actually doing – including the student.
What the Left really wants is a subjective, easily manipulated system. The current system is objective.
Incompletes aren’t legitimate either unless there is some personal circumstance involved. The pace of learning is increasing for all of us each day.
If the grading system isn’t working for some – teach better. I worked with very handicapped, minority children and they constantly surprise you. Teach!
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