Sen. John Cornyn Booed and Rebuked Over Gun Grab Efforts


Sen. Cornyn walked out of gun control negotiations with Democrats today although he said he hadn’t given up on working out a deal. He might be getting shaky after he was endlessly booed at the GOP conference in Houston and the Texas GOP platform committee rebuked him.

Thank God for Texas!

Cornyn is the lead negotiator who worked out a gun control framework with Democrats at the behest of Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader.

These were serious boos today. He tried to calm it down by saying he kept “Biden’s gun-grabbing wishlist off the table.” The problem is that we all know he opened the door to all of Biden’s agenda in the future.

Cornyn spoke for 14 minutes to nearly constant boos and jeers. He told the unhappy audience that the goal is “keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.”

“I will not under any circumstances support new restrictions for law-abiding citizens,” Cornyn said. “The framework that we are working on is consistent with that red line,” he said.



The Texas GOP Platform Committee unanimously approved a resolution rebuking Senator John Cornyn’s embrace of control gun measures. “WHEREAS all gun control measures are a violation of the Second Amendment and our God-given rights.”

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