Snipers Inside the Building Spotted Thomas Crooks Before the Assassination Attempt


Today, we heard that an officer saw would-be Trump assassin Thomas Crooks on the roof of a building about a half hour before Donald Trump took the stage. Before that, another officer saw him acting suspiciously on the grounds. Both took photos of him, and the officer who saw him on the roof called it in.

We now find out that there were three snipers in the building from which the killer later shot Donald Trump and three innocent people.

One of the snipers inside saw Thomas Matthew Crooks outside and looking up at the roof, observing the building and disappearing, a local law enforcement officer tells CBS News.

Crooks came back, sat down, and looked at his phone. At that point, one of the snipers took a picture of him. Crooks took out a rangefinder, and the sniper radioed to the command post. Crooks disappeared again and then came back a third time with a backpack. The snipers called in with information that he had a backpack and said he was walking towards the back of the building.

Officers believe Crooks might have used an air conditioning unit to get on the roof.

By the time other officers came for backup, he had climbed on top of the building and was positioned above and behind the snipers inside the building, the officer said.

Two other officers who heard the sniper’s call tried to get onto the roof. State police started rushing to the scene, but by that time, a Secret Service sniper had already killed Crooks, the officer said.

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