Socialist Dems Make Segregation Great Again


The father of critical race theory, Harvard Law Professor Derrick Bell, was a severe critic of the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board ruling. Bell argued that racially-segregated schools could be positive for black students, provided that they obtain equal funding and resources.

~ Christopher Rufo

Christopher Rufo has documented multiple cases of public institutions promoting “segregation for social justice.” This practice can be traced back to critical race theory, which teaches that white and black students often need separate pedagogies and spaces.

The father of critical race theory, Harvard Law Professor Derrick Bell, was a severe critic of the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board ruling. Bell, Obama’s college mentor, argued that racially-segregated schools could be positive for black students, provided that they obtain equal funding and resources.

Thomas Sowell calls this the “revenge society” with “racism under new management.”

He didn’t think much of the late Derrick Bell, an elite grifter.



A Colorado elementary school recently planned a racially-segregated “families of color playground night” in the name of diversity and inclusivity.

Chris Rufo, a journalist who has led the charge against critical race theory,  shared a sign outside of Centennial Elementary School promoting the event.

“Denver Public Schools now promoting racially-segregated playtime—for ‘equity,’” Rufo captioned the photo.

The school’s Facebook page says the first event was scheduled to take place on October 13 and would then reoccur on the second Wednesday of each month to follow outside at the school, weather permitting. They are also promoting an Orwellian “Community Equity Collective” hosted by the diversity and inclusion committee.

Rufo reported that the event was organized by the school’s Dean of Culture, Nicole Tembrock and that it was ultimately canceled because of Covid-19 protocols, though the school plans to reschedule in the new year.

University of Denver law professor Dave Kopel replied to Rufo’s tweets and said the event would be in violation of the state constitution. It says “nor shall any distinction or classification of pupils be made on account of race or color.”


In a statement, the principal of Downers Grove South, Ed Schwartz, told Mr. Rufo that the school planned the racially-segregated program to “provide the opportunity for students of color to be partnered with a group of teachers who look like them and have had similar life experiences.”

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