Something Must Be Done About Senator Feinstein’s Chinese Spy


The woman who contrived the Dr. Ford vs. Brett Kavanaugh mess in Washington, DC and refused to hand that sketchy letter over to Chairman Grassley had a Chinese spy in her employ as a top aide for twenty years.

Shouldn’t she be brought up before the Senate Ethics Committee? It would be a gesture, but then we could have a Senate vote of no confidence in Dianne.

The former chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Democrat Dianne Feinstein has never even been questioned in the case nor has the spy been questioned.

Chinese intelligence once recruited a staff member at a California office of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, and the source reported back to China about local politics, according to Politico.

Was she exposed to blackmail? She has long been an avid supporter of China and she’s made money off her positions.

Nothing happened to her or the spy.

Russell Lowe, the former office director for Feinstein, presently serves as secretary general of the Education for Social Justice Foundation, which seeks to “educate the public on unresolved historical conflicts, human rights, and crimes against humanity.”

It’s a far-left group.


Since 1979, Feinstein has been a most ardent advocate of Chinese Communists, bar none in the Senate. She’s never wavered and her connections rise to the highest levels of the government.

As mayor of San Francisco, she established a “sister city” relationship with Shanghai, and it was a robust relationship by all accounts. She took her husband Richard Blum to China on a trip. They both formed a tight relationship to Shanghai Mayor Jiang Zemin.

Both Feinstein and Jiang rose to the highest levels in their careers and, as Jiang initiated a brutal crackdown against practitioners of Falun Gong, including mass imprisonments, beatings, torture, rape, organ harvesting, and murder, and engaging in alleged human rights atrocities against Tibetans. Feinstein never renounced her friendship with Jiang, in spite of these acts, The Federalist reports.

They even visited each other in the U.S. and China.

Feinstein and her husband dined with President Jiang in Zhongnanhai in Mao Zedong’s residence.


Her relentless support for increased trade with China continues now, even as it hurt the American worker.

In May 1996, she penned an editorial in the Los Angeles Times calling for the United States to grant most-favored-nation trading status to China “on a permanent basis and get past the annual dance that is proving to be extraordinarily divisive and not at all helpful toward reaching the oft-stated goal: improvement in human rights,” the Federalist reports.

In March 1997, she was one of a handful of senators who was warned by the FBI that China might offer contributions to influence them.

By June 1996, the senator held a fundraiser at her home attended by President Clinton, Huang, and Xiaoming Dia, chairman of a Hong Kong-based investment company in which Lippo Group had owned a controlling stake until 1994.

Two years later, Huang’s employer pled guilty to campaign finance violations. It was determined he had a long-term relationship with Chinese Intelligence.

China is currently active in stealing our trade secrets and intellectual property. They also won’t address the enormous trade deficit with the United States.


In May 2000, Feinstein lobbied for making permanent normal trading relations with China. The measure ultimately passed. It helped pave the way for China’s entrance into the globalist World Trade Organization.

Blum’s company invested more than $400 million in East Asia, with at least $90 million of it going to the China mainland. Those investments continued through the years.

Throughout her career, as a self-described peacemaker, she often urged appeasement of the Chinese regime. She was an apologist for their abuses and urged restraint.

They are no different than Russia or any other statist nation that abuses their citizens, but the money kept rolling in for her and her husband.

Over the years, she took a hardline against Taiwan and drew moral equivalence between the U.S. and China.

Read the in-depth description of her cozy relationship with the ChiComs at The Federalist.

Someone needs to hold her responsible or at least look into her Chinese spy.

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