Sound Investigations Uncovers Efforts to Use Porn to Mold Children


If you’re a parent, you should know about these sites that are easily accessible to children. The porn pushers in the Arden videos below explain that the average age children look at porn is age 11.


Employees of Pornhub’s parent company were caught on camera pushing for underage children to watch pornography. They say it’s helpful, enabling them to figure out their sexuality. They say they can’t get this stuff just anywhere.

They suggested that making videos of transgender people engaging in sex helps underage youth figure out if that’s what they want.

Arden Young, the undercover journalist behind the newly released video from Sound Investigations said it is clear that they don’t care about protecting children, but do care about maximizing profits.

The new video documents employees of Aylo, formerly named Mindgeek, the parent company of Pornhub, admitting to attempting to steer viewers’ sexual proclivities.

Employee Dillon Rice, a senior scriptwriter at the company, is seen in one clip arguing that pornography usage could be beneficial for preteens. “Let’s say you’re 12 years old, you’re still figuring out your sexuality, maybe even your gender. Wouldn’t it be helpful to see not a celebration but maybe just a … normalization of something that you think is what you want?” Rice is seen saying.

LGBTS want you to believe being gay or transgender is natural, and innate, and it can’t be changed,  but here they are saying something entirely different.

The Aylo employees said the company looks for opportunities to put bisexual, gay, or trans scenes in videos that are typically marketed to straight men.

Rice remarked that while some platforms are “primarily for straight men,” the company tries to “push the envelope as much as you can and be like, can I hint at bi content here … what if we brought a trans talent onto the site … you kinda take those risks to broaden it a little more.” Rice added, “You’re always trying to push a little further.”

“They need to try to push stuff that is … less accepted, like putting a trans male or trans female in a scene,” Rice said. “See if you can convert somebody.”

Watch the rest here.

Arden Young explains in this clip how perverse they are and how they are getting away with harming children. The Southern District of New York is letting them get away with it.

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