Suspected Illegal Alien Was Flown to MI on Tax $$ Because He’s Fat


In late November 2021, Issam Bazzi – a 50-year-old Lebanon-born Venezuelan and suspected terrorist – swam across the Rio Grande River to Brownsville, Texas, where he was caught by federal authorities. Todd Bensman, a senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), reported the episode to American Family News.

“[Bazzi] is among a sharply increasing number of Venezuelans crossing the border,” Bensman begins – then explains that what makes the incident involving Bazzi important to him is the fact that the Venezuelan “flagged on the FBI’s terrorism watch list.”

He’s now running around free somewhere in the United States.

A reason given for his release was the man is overweight and it would endanger his health if he caught COVID.

One has to hate this country and the people in it to do this.

There are other Venezuelan migrants who present a national security threat. Jihadists are among them.

Rep Andy Biggs is calling on Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee to investigate why the Biden administration released the illegal alien in Michigan who has terrorist ties. He was flown to Michigan with taxpayer dollars.

Biggs and eight other Republicans on the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security sent a letter to subcommittee chair Sheila Jackson Lee.

The letter urges her to start an investigation into the matter at once. They want her to investigate recent reports that  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released an illegal alien with ties to terrorism from custody because God forbid a terrorist should get COVID and die.

Asking Lee to do anything is like asking a mole to stop digging up the lawn.

The Letter Notes the Excuse: He’s Overweight

559412345 Biggs to Jackson Lee by MaurA on Scribd


According to PJ Media, at least 50 Afghans with ‘security concerns” are in the US. Can you imagine how many come across the border?

Even if they don’t blow us up, they’ll destroy our way of life and our politics.

They Are All Missing

The Defense Department’s inspector general reported Thursday, according to the Washington Times, that not only did Biden’s handlers bring these security risks into the country, but now they have no idea where they are: “It looked at a sampling of 31 security risk evacuees identified as of Sept. 17 and found only three could be located.” Nor is that likely to be the extent of the problem: “Tens of thousands more names remain to be checked.”

The Defense Department’s audit explained laconically: “Not being able to locate Afghan evacuees with derogatory information quickly and accurately could pose a security risk to the United States.” Well, yeah. And so once again one has to wonder: Are the people who are running Joe Biden’s presidency really this careless and stupid, that they thought vetting these Afghan refugees was something they could dispense with when in a hurry, and that there would be no downside? Or is the situation even worse? If a gang of traitors who actively wanted to weaken the United States were ensconced in the White House, how could this have been mishandled any more than it has been?

The Times suggests it’s just incompetence. We all know it’s a betrayal and the Times is betraying us as well.

Oh, And By The Way, Cartels Plan to Assassinate Border Patrol Agents

This isn’t mismanagement, it’s treason by our administration.

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