Taliban: Women Can’t Be Visible from Their House Windows


A new Taliban rule in Afghanistan bans women from being visible from their house windows under any circumstance. That is according to one report we haven’t confirmed yet.

The Taliban, which we have funded and still do, is erasing women except as sex toys and baby machines.

Rep. Tim Burchett:

It is common knowledge that the Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete disaster, but lots of people do not know that the Biden administration has been sending cash to the Taliban every week since then.

“According to an August 2023 World Bank report, the UN has purchased, transported, and transferred $2.9 billion in U.S. currency to Afghanistan since August 2021,” said a SIGAR report published in January. “This included $1.8 billion provided in 2022 and $1.1 billion provided in 2023, as of August 2023.”

“The U.S. is the largest international donor to Afghanistan, having provided about $2.6 billion in funding to the UN, other international organizations (PIOs), and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Afghanistan since August 2021,” said the SIGAR report.

Nancy Pelosi said we had to go into Afghanistan for the sake of the women and girls. Hillary claimed to care about the women and girls. Where are they now?

The Taliban Horror

The Taliban doesn’t let girls or women go to school, sing, protest, talk in public, own smartphones, work in civil services, go abroad, drive a car, travel alone, ride in a taxi, speak loudly inside a home, read the Quran aloud in public, speak to a male doctor, play sports, go to a gym or a park, wear bright clothes or high heels, cover themselves from head to toe or show their faces in public; look at men they don’t know.

It’s allegedly for virtue’s sake.

According to the Associated Press, in March 1997, when the Taliban first took over, they ruled that everyone must paint their windows black so the women inside can’t be seen. No white socks for females. No kite-flying, soccer, or videos for anyone.

The poster below said they’ve reinstituted a version of the window rule. We can’t confirm it.

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