Terrorist’s Imam: Allah Turned Jews Into Monkeys, Pigs, Rats


Watch the Friday sermon at the Mosque the New Orleans terrorist attended below. We have a radical Islamist problem in the United States, and we are doing nothing about it. In fact, our open borders made it much worse.

The imam of the mosque told a story of the people of Saturday.

“Allah ordered them not to fish on Saturday. The test came throughout the week in the form of fewer fish. And only on Saturday would all fish flock to the surface. The first group of people was completely defiant to the command of Allah. They didn’t think there would be consequences for their defiance of the command of Allah, so they went ahead and they fished on Saturday.

Group B did not fish on Saturday. Our trenches will fish for us on Saturday. So what they did was build trenches by the shore. They dug holes and trenches, and they put the feed inside of these holes, right? They put the bait, they say, inside those holes, and they put a net over it. The fish are going to try to get the bait, and they will get stuck inside these trenches. Obviously, this would happen on Saturday.

Allah turned some of them [the Jews] into monkeys, some into pigs, and some of them into rats, and so on and so forth. The punishment was revealed upon this group of people. The imam then asked, “You think Allah is not watching us here? That’s what the Jews thought. They thought Allah is watching them only in Jerusalem, so they went out everywhere on the face of the earth and started creating havoc everywhere.

The imam Then said a prayer, “O Allah, send down on the Zionists, the aggressor, and enemies, some of your soldiers. You’re the only one who knows your soldiers.”

Emphasis added.

The “soldier” in this case was Shamsud Jabbar, who didn’t kill so-called Zionists. He killed a young father of two, recent high school graduates, a British tourist, a Black Kansas City Chiefs fan, a recent Auburn University graduate, Matthew Tenedorio, a beloved audiovisual technician for the Superdome, Hispanic men, football stars, and more.

You can see why the leaders of the mosque told people they must not speak with law enforcement.

This imam is in Houston, Texas, and these Mosques are everywhere. Some are peaceful, but some are probably just like this.

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