The Irish have had enough of asylum seekers. A fourth hotel in Dundrum is converted into housing for 280 so-called asylum seekers in a village of 165 people. In Coolock, Dublin, the government wants to put 500 men in a warehouse. Their globalist overlords are replacing them.
An election will be held early in 2025, and many Irish will move right over the out-of-control immigration of people who are changing the character of the nation.
Police pepper spray protesters and make arrests in Coolock, Ireland, after locals burned equipment being used to construct new migrant housing.
The Irish have taken arguably the most aggressive stance against migration in all of Europe.
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) July 15, 2024
Ireland is a mostly socialist nation, but everyone has their limit. The globalist government is taking in so many people that they are moving them into rural villages.
They plan to put 280 asylum seekers in Dundrum, a village in Tipperary County with a population of only 165.
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They also planned to put 500 foreign men in a converted warehouse in Coolock.
A message from Coolock. These decent people need your support. What this government is doing is so wrong. #CoolocksaysNo #Coolock #EnoughIsEnough #IrelandisFull #Ireland
— TheIrishWatchdog (@WatchdogTh96012) July 18, 2024
I can’t understand why the government of Ireland is so obsessed with mass migration — in the case of Coolock, converting a massive factory and warehouse into a plantation for 500 foreign men, right next to a residential neighbourhood.
Today the factory was torched.
— Ezra Levant (@ezralevant) July 18, 2024
This is the great globalist replacement. The government plans to convert all of Ireland, sparking widespread protests and riots in the Dublin suburb of Coolock just yesterday, with locals there setting fire to construction equipment and battling with police.
IRELAND – BREAKING: … er … the Crown paint building being repurposed for illegal migrant accommodation … is now on fire.
Coolock residents said NO.
They meant it— Bernie (@Artemisfornow) July 18, 2024
The scale of the proposal is insane.
“Coolock Says No.”
A graffiti message has been left by local Irish protesters opposed to the construction of new migrant housing.
Images of torched construction equipment have made the Dublin suburb the focus point of national news.
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) July 15, 2024
Breaking: A building designated as a future migrant center in Coolock, Ireland is on fire. Earlier this week, construction equipment outside the building were torched.
Residents have been angrily protesting the settlement of mass numbers of migrants.
— Andy Ngô ️ (@MrAndyNgo) July 18, 2024
The globalists don’t care what the people want, and they put foreigners over the disabled and elderly in housing. The globalists must be stopped.
Police who are unable to protect Ireland’s borders, protect the construction of the immigration center in Coolock. Treason and invasion continue.
— Europe Invasion (@EuropeInvasionn) July 18, 2024
The concerned citizens of Coolock fight back against a bullying police force.
This may be a turning point for Ireland as it has attracted worldwide attention & the govt is not getting away with it.
— David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) July 17, 2024
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