The President That Kamala Harris Hid for Nearly Four Years


This is the president Democrats gave America, the one who brought us into multiple crises. This is the president Kamala Harris hid for years, pretending he was fit. That seems to be her only accomplishment.

do not know if Bad Hombre has inside information, but much of what he says comes true. That’s why I am including it. It’s believable, given Harris’s nasty personality. She can’t keep staff, allegedly because she’s vulgar, always attacking and blaming others. One employee said she spews a “constant amount of soul-destroying criticism.”

Everything is a show with these people. Nothing is real. They aren’t really Democrats. They have hijacked the party. We need liberals to stand up for what they believe in. Donald Trump can eviscerate these people for them. There is no one else.

This is what he posted:

Major drama within the Kamala Harris campaign this morning. A source reveals that Harris screamed at and angrily berated her campaign manager Julie Chavez for over 30 minutes on the phone this morning.

The source shares that Chavez advised Kamala not to attend the Al Smith dinner because it could send the wrong message and risk alienating LGBTQ and pro-abortion voters if she was seen cozying up to Catholics.

Instead, Chavez suggested a compromise of sending in the poorly-received video in lieu of an in-person appearance.

Chavez was in tears during the phone call as Kamala shred her to pieces, called her an idiot, inept, horrible at your f-ing job, and told her that her stupid advice is going to be the reason she loses.

The joy is gone.

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