This is a very nice story for a Wednesday. An officer stopped a father with his child in the back seat. He asked him to step out and talk with him because he wanted to know why his little girl wasn’t in a car seat. The man explained he couldn’t afford it. The officer had him follow him to Walmart where the officer bought a car seat for him with his own money.
He couldn’t see giving him a ticket and putting him further in the hole.
The father is LaVonte Dell and the Officer is Joshua Scaglione.
LaVonte Dell was recently pulled over, writing on his Facebook page:
"Yesterday I was pulled over in Westland for my window tint.
This stop was nothing like I thought it would be. He got my s—t and was walking back to the car and seen my daughter wasn’t in a car seat. So he asked…— Epoch Inspired (@EpochInspired) August 9, 2023