This Is How You Stand Up to Tyrants! Follow the Example of This Sheriff!


There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy, hypocrisy, fraud, and tyranny.

~ Frederick William Robertson

Authoritarians in our society have shown their ugly faces over a vaccine that this administration wants forced on everyone in the United States. Normally, you wouldn’t see much of these people and they’d be characterized appropriately and dismissed. Unfortunately, the administration and the media have successfully made the vaccine into another issue by which to divide people. They’ve taken the tyrants out from under their rocks to aid and abet their shameful power grab.

These people couldn’t care less about their fellow countrymen and have decided that if you don’t do as they say and get vaccinated with an experimental drug sporting a short history, you’re a killer.

Have the courage to use your own understanding

~ The Enlightenment Motto

The dictators currently in charge have appealed to the mass of people who love control, money, power, and all that comes with subjugating their fellow man. People without character, stupid people, frightened people, control freaks, busybodies, evil people, selfish people, criminals, and the mentally ill easily fall into the mindset. Without much ado, they can become aggressive and perfectly sure of themselves, painting themselves as virtuous as they cancel people for not following their narrative.

Currently, the opinionated mob is after Aaron Rogers for exactly this. They are butting into his business, ripping on him, getting his cowardly sponsors to dump him – except State Farm – God bless State Farm.

Some, like State Farm, have shown courage and stood up to these monsters, but too few do.

Some sheriffs, police, Firefighters, nurses, military personnel, and teachers have stood up to the vicious minority.

Our lawless President just told private businesses to follow his fiat even though a court put a temporary hold on the mandate. He is also circumventing Congress by passing laws through a government agency and calling it a rule.

As for science, none of these people follow it and then they lie about it.

Reason and free inquiry are the only effectual agents against error.

~Thomas Jefferson

Sheriff Villanueva is facing a loss of about 30% of his force, but reporters don’t seem to believe him or care, because they don’t agree and have been charged with following the narrative of the Left.

One reporter accused the deputies of infecting innocent people, but as the Sheriff said there is no evidence of that.

Watching the reporters act out as the Sheriff spoke was like being back watching one of the Trump press conferences with nasty, aggressive reporters. The reporters were only at the conference with Sheriff Villanueva to attack him and collapse his argument. They lost.

The arrogance was mind-blowing.

One said they think it’s okay to ignore laws. Sheriff Villanueva explained it’s not a law and the ignorant reporter said it’s only semantics to distinguish between a law and a mandate from a politician.

Sheriff Villanueva is vaccinated and sets the example but believes his employees have the right to choose what is injected into their bodies. It is their First Amendment right.

We need the First Amendment protected and this is a direct attack on the First Amendment. Free speech is the only way to acquire knowledge about the world. It is foundational to human growth in that it is essential to the Republic and serves as a wall against tyranny. It is fundamental to civilized societies.

In a free society, all citizens must be able to pursue their own paths, set their own goals, and think for themselves. How we treat our dissidents matters. Free speech is inextricably linked to prosperity. After all, prosperity comes from ideas, and new ideas can thrive only in a society in which they are free from suppression.

For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.

~ George Washington, Address to the officers of the army, March 15, 1783

In any case, it is the moral and ethical thing to not cancel people. Many of our government administrations throughout this nation have gone from cajoling and brainwashing, to fines, job cancelations and threats of imprisonment. That is the very definition of tyranny.

Sheriff Villanueva explained why the risk does not justify the reaction. No matter how nasty and dumb the reporters were, he calmly answered their questions brilliantly and with grace.


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