This video will blow your mind! Kamala was raised in a communist home, raised around communist people and to this day is FUNDED by communists. This video could end her career. Biden’s current W.H. press secretary, met with COMMUNIST as Kamala’s staffer. Kambree
A researcher of communists in the Western World, Trevor Loudon, believes Kamala Harris is the real third term of Barack Obama. The media portray her as a moderate Democrat, “but her voting record in the US Senate is to the left of both Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, but we’re told she is a moderate Democrat,” said Loudon.
“Kamala Harris is the daughter of Don Harris, a Jamaican economist, and Shyamala Gopalan Harris, a cancer researcher from India. She died in 2009, I believe,” Loudon said.
They met in Berkeley in the ‘60s, married, and had Kamala and her younger sister Maya. Both became very active in the “Afro-American Association.
“This was one of the far-left sort of black power groups operating at the time, and these people openly supported Fidel Castro. They supported Ché Guevara. It was a Marxist group. Two members of the Afro-American Association, Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, would leave and go off to form the Black Panther Party.
“The pro-China, militant Maoist terrorist black Panthers, who really serve as the model for today’s Black Lives Matter. The leader of the group, Donald Warden, would later change his name to Khalid al Mansour. Many years later, would apparently write a letter to Harvard University recommending that a young Barack Obama should be admitted to that college. So Don Harris was later appointed as an affirmative action Marxist professor at Stanford University…”
Radicals, now known as the Democrat Socialists of America, got him into the position.
Harris grew up in that kind of environment, you know, far-left parents. She was basically a red diaper baby, the child of Marxists.
“Kamala Harris grew up in that kind of environment, you know, far-left parents. She was basically a red diaper baby, the child of Marxists.
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Kamala was a student radical protesting the causes of the day. She set her sights on a political career and, at 30, began an affair with Willie Brown, a married man twice her age. Brown was estranged from his wife.
“Willie Brown was a very prominent democratic politician in the town. He was a leader of the California State legislature and later became mayor of San Francisco.”
He got her a couple of jobs on boards where she earned nearly half a million dollars over five years for attending about two meetings a month.
“But the big scandal was this: Willie Brown was then – and remains – very sympathetic to communism back in the 1960s. He was first elected to public office by members of the Hallinan family, a very notorious San Francisco communist family.”
On the tape, Loudon does a deep dive into Brown’s communist ties. He notes the Lenin prize Brown won from the Soviet Union.
“Kamala Harris still remained active in supporting Communist Party causes as late as 2000 while mayor of San Francisco.”
Kamala became attorney general and “was regarded as a leftist District Attorney but earned a little bit of immunity from some members of the black community for some of the stands she made. “
The man who financed her in the ‘80s was Stephen Phillips, then a law student at Stanford, an open Marxist-Leninist who was closely affiliated with a pro-Chinese Communist group, the League of Revolutionary Struggle. He knew Kamala’s communist sister, Maya Harris, well.
Loudon goes into the network and explains how Stephen Phillips had the idea that all the various progressive caucuses needed to join forces to increase their influence and power. Phillips started a massive registration drive among minorities with his PowerPAC. The minority population was well over 30% when Loudon made this tape, which was about 2016. We now have tens of millions more brought in by Democrats.
“That’s what got Obama elected in 2008: the progressive whites with the minorities with the people of color that formed the winning Obama coalition.”
“Steve Phillips has written a book called Brown Is the New White, a New York Times #1 bestseller. And his argument is really simple. Democrats, if you want complete power in America, enduring power, stop wasting your time with the middle voters. Don’t spend all of your money trying to convince 1 or 2% of independents to turn Democrat.
“There are millions of Democrats in the South who don’t vote, mainly black Latino minorities.
“Instead, put all of your money into getting them registered and getting them to the polls. Run far-left candidates of color, and then you’ll win elections, and then you’ll flip the South, and then you’ll destroy the Republican Party as a force. And you will have complete power in America forever.
“That’s the strategy that flipped Virginia. That’s the strategy that supposedly won Georgia, and they came close in North Carolina and actually won Arizona.
This is the rainbow coalition applied to modern conditions and orchestrated by people like Stephen Phillips of the Democracy Alliance. They can command money through people like George Soros, Tom Steyer, and others. This is the philosophy that’s now guiding much of the Democratic Party, Loudon explains.
“So, Steve Phillips got Obama elected. I can say that he worked in 2018 and almost got the far-left Stacey Abrams elected as governor of Georgia a long time.” Steve Phillips … almost elected the black socialist criminal Andrew Gillum as governor of Florida. Gilliam served on Steve Phillips’s PowerPAC board for several years.
They are using this strategy in red states, and they are winning.
“So, this is the philosophy that is guiding today’s Democratic Party. So they understood, and I’ve been saying this for several years now, that Kamala Harris would be the candidate for the Democrats in 2020 because she’s part of the Steve Phillips stable. She is one of his proteges.”
She didn’t win, but suddenly, she was Biden’s VP, and he hated her.
Steve Phillips is still trying to get her into the White House. He wants to be attorney general.
Kamala Harris’s “husband Doug Emhoff’s legal firm is notorious for its ties to communist China they have many. They do a lot of business with communist China. They actually have Chinese Communist party members on the staff.
Kamala Harris’s chief of staff was Karine Jean Pierre, and is now Biden’s. She is a militant leftist, who in 2003, I believe it was, went to Haiti to meet with radicals down there, with members of the Workers World Party, which is a pro-China, pro-Russia pro-North Korea, pro-Iran Communist Party.”
Loudon then went into other deep communist connections and their connection to Alicia Garza’s Black Lives Matter and the Chinese Communist Party in the Bay Area and elsewhere.
Kamala is a leftist who has worked with Maoist communists and been around Maoist communists her entire life, her entire political career.
She is the choice of the Manchurian Candidate, except she is perfectly aware of what she is doing.
You have to watch the clip to get the full story:
This video will blow your mind!
Kamala was raised in a communist home, raised around communist people and to this day is FUNDED by communist. This video could end her career. Biden’s current W.H. press secretary, met with COMMUNIST as Kamala’s— Kambree (@KamVTV) August 1, 2024
America is sleepwalking into communism.