Tolerant left sends the Sentinel a message

I thought I would share a good example of the emails I get from our tolerant left-wing opponents. There is no point in correcting this genius’ many errors. It might take away from his literary style. This was in my inbox last night.

It’s titled, SHOCKED, and it was ‘courageously‘ signed — billycm.

“What an ugly, ignorant, hostile all bs opinion
at least you dont try to disguise it although you are not forthcoming and owning up to your stupid, super untrue and extremely biases information.  And you are not at all journalism, in any form.<
Cannot you people, in the least, recognize tha all of your perceived “them” actually are very intelligen and concerned and at least have integrity and are working to make the world a better place… you jjust want to mock, deface, spread inflammatory and narrow minded lies.
it is not as extreme kas you like to force stupid people to think.
You truly are a threat to our Country and you should be held accountable.
such hate and slant is sinful…
obviously without ability to think”

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