The ruthless Venezuelan international gang, Tren de Aragua or TdA, has infiltrated the US for the last two years. The NYPD says they are taking over New York City.
Tren de Aragua is trying to grow the gang, and they recruit illegal immigrants.
NYPD Assistant Chief of Detectives Jason Savino said the video below was likely made of the gang members in Ecuador. Then you see the same individuals in Times Square. Its purpose is to recruit new members.
That’s the NYPD’s concern. Tren de Aragua is crossing the border with the migrant influx and is establishing itself in New York. El Paso is on high alert as the gang described as “MS-13 on steroids” surges at the border.
They have gone from petty crimes like shoplifting and stealing cell phones and jewelry to all-out shootouts in the streets. When they steal cell phones, they hack into them and empty out bank accounts.
Shoot the Police
Recent intelligence from federal authorities has revealed a concerning trend involving the Venezuelan gang known as Tren de Aragua (TdA). According to a government memo, this criminal organization has directed its members to assault and, in some cases, kill police officers in major U.S. cities, including Denver, Colorado.
Alleged gang member Bernardo Raul Mata recently confessed to police that gang members are instructed to shoot police officers.
Mata is charged with shooting two officers. The officers stopped him for riding a moped the wrong way on a one-way street in Queens.
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In court, the Assistant District Attorney revealed that Mata told investigators the gang members were smuggling firearms into city shelters inside food delivery packages. That way, they don’t have to go through the metal detector.
The Gangs Control the Shelters
Guns are smuggled into migrant shelters in food delivery packages that are not screened. The gangs have complete control of the shelters.
“The gang violence is escalating, and now drugs are coming into the picture. We’re just starting to see a drug called Tusi or 2C, which is a pink cocaine-type substance. It’s a huge challenge.
The Biden-Harris administration will not deport these people, and New York City’s Alvin Bragg, who is trying to imprison Donald Trump for a created crime, won’t keep these monsters in prison. The gangsters who attacked the police are on the streets.
The Transnational Gangs Unite In US Cities
Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens highlighted the dangers associated with TdA. He states, “Their criminal activities represent a serious threat to our communities!” This sentiment is echoed by federal authorities who warn that the gang’s activities could lead to increased violence and organized crime within U.S. borders.
The FBI has raised concerns about potential alliances between TdA and other violent gangs, such as MS-13.
MS-13, TdA, and Antifa were spotted outside shelters in New York City, guarding them.
Longest-serving NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly cautioned that New York City’s quality of life “has really deteriorated.”
Migrant crime is a major reason.
Venezuela’s notorious Tren de Aragua gang and El Salvador’s feared MS-13 — what retired FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker calls “prison-spawned gangs” — are threatening to take over American cities.
They’re the “most dangerous gangs on the planet,” warns Swecker, who speculates that Latin countries are emptying their prisons deliberately.
Gang leaders setting up crime rings in America “come out of the muck and the slime of the South American prisons.”
While law-enforcement officials here are warning us about the collapse of public safety, left-wing politicians deny there’s a problem.