Trending on Twitter: Tucker bought into socialism in under 1 minute


John Nichols, who wrote The Fight for the Soul of the Democrat Party, was one of the many who took a Tucker Carlson clip today and claimed that Democratic Socialist Cornel West convinced Tucker to embrace Democratic Socialism in less than a minute. It trended on Twitter for hours.

He showed this truncated clip to support his argument:

In the full clip, it’s obvious Tucker said nothing of the sort:

Democratic Socialism is very dangerous, partly because of its name – it’s misleading. There is no democratic in socialism, it is just socialism. They claim Democratic Socialism allows people to vote them out, but that only works a few times. Once ensconced, they are too powerful to vote out.

And the Democratic Socialism agenda is more extreme than the Communist Party USA agenda. It’s Venezuela.

In the clip above, West tries to say it’s never been tried. It’s only a movement. In fact, the ideology has been tried again and again but it can’t work.

Democratic Socialism is based on the politics of envy and theft.


And this:

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