Tucker Meets with Santiago Abascal, Fighting for Spain’s Freedom


Tucker Carlson is in Spain in the midst of political turmoil as the Prime Minister finagled a corrupt deal to unilaterally remain in power.

Tucker interviewed Santiago Abascal, leader of the opposition Vox party. Spain is in the hands of a Prime Minister who is very far left and is allegedly destroying democracy.

Tucker sees their situation as going through the same political transformation we will see in the United States. Spain also just experienced a shooting of a conservative Vox leader during the chaos caused by Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez.

Abascal explained that Spain has been a “testing ground” for extreme leftist agendas. He opposes the radical gender laws, climate initiatives, and the Islamization of Europe due to mass immigration.

“Today in Spain, judges, both the government of judges and the judicial associations, are talking about the beginning of the end of democracy, they are talking about the abolition of the rule of law, and they are talking about a brutal attack on the separation of powers,” Abascal said.

Part of the deal Mr. Sanchez made was to give amnesty to 1500 insurgents. Abascal said that instituting a constitutional process to pardon political crimes erodes the rule of law.

Abascal sees this battle as ending in the Prime Minister facing a trial or the opposition imprisoned. He is willing to fight this fight “to the very end.”

He saw the interview as very important to get the word out. If this cancer takes hold in Spain, it will spread throughout Europe. They have communist ministers and are the only nation in Europe in this situation. The hope is that the European Union will take action against this move by Pedro Sanchez.

He’s deeply concerned about the loss of their culture as in other countries and called for a demographic revival of traditional European values. They’re fighting communism, globalism, mass immigration, and wokeism.

Abascal spoke from the heart.“The nation is our history; it is the cemeteries of our ancestors. The nation is the meeting of the living, the dead, and those who have not been born. And so I see things with a sense of transcendence, not only in a religious sense of transcendence.”

The evil George Soros met with Sanchez after the election, when the Prime Minister did not have the votes to form a government.

“George Soros was the first person to meet with the newly elected left-wing Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez. It’s a curious alliance of the left that used to be anti-globalization and today has allied with those multimillionaires who want to rule the world.”

This is our cautionary tale.

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