President Trump announced that the limit on refugees will be kept at 45,000. It’s not good enough for those anxious to import potential jihadists into the country. We say ‘potential jihadists’ because we can’t properly vet them. They don’t have documents, period.
The Democrats and two turncoat Republicans Lisa Murkowski and John McCain want at least an arbitrary 50,000 more.
If we take an extra 50,000, it does nothing for the refugee crisis; it barely puts a dent in the “crisis”. On the other hand, it puts us at risk. It’s not worth it, especially when we know from recent past history that many are going to be on the dole for years to com and they won’t necessarily assimilate. The fact that the U.N. that hates the U.S. is picking out our refugees should terrify people.
The group sent a letter demanding “robust” numbers in 2018.
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