UK Government Warns That Pro-Life People Are Budding Terrorists


If you are pro-life and don’t want to see babies inches from birth aborted, you are on the “stepping stone” to terrorism. So says the now certifiable UK government.

The government’s counter-terrorism strategy includes Prevent, a preventative training to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

The program includes individuals throughout education, health, police, local authorities, and criminal justice. They focus on “extreme right-wing ideologies” and single-issue people who could become terrorists.

In other words, everybody.

They are after “narratives”  of those who want a change in policy or practice, in other words, the right to free speech and dissent.

”Examples include animal rights, anti-abortion, or anti-fascism. Single-issue narratives can be politically agnostic, meaning they may be neither right nor left aligned.”

Right to Life UK spokesperson Catherine Robinson said in response, “The Government are explicit that they believe that being pro-life is a potential ideology leading to terrorism. There has not been a single instance of anti-abortion terrorism in British history. It is a grave insult and sign of deep intolerance that the Government, via Prevent training, implies that being pro-life is potentially the beginning of the road towards terrorism.”

Could it be that they aren’t really after budding terrorists? Instead, they are after dissent? They might want to make people afraid to speak out against killing babies about to be born.

It’s doubtful most British people feel this way, but the government plans to change their thoughts by silencing dissent. This plan is coming to the US, and it’s probably already here.

Look at the entire training program yourself on this link.

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