UK Prime Minister: Massive Migration Was a Deliberate Experiment


UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer admitted what most conservatives have known for years, which is that Europe’s “open borders” policy was a deliberate “experiment.”

During a Downing Street speech on net migration Thursday, Starmer accused the conservative Tories of using “Brexit” as a tool to enact open borders and allow record-high immigration.

“Time and again, the Conservative Party promised to get the numbers down. Time and again, they failed, and now the chorus of excuses has begun,” Starmer said.

“A failure on this scale isn’t just bad luck, it isn’t a global trend or taking your eye off the ball – no, this is a different order of failure. This happened by design, not accident.”

“Policies were reformed, deliberately, to liberalize immigration. Brexit was used for that purpose: to turn Britain into a one-nation experiment in open borders,” Starmer said, adding the Tories “pretended it wasn’t happening.”


The main reason for Brexit was to stop the European Union’s massive migration plan. The blame belongs to the European Union and the UN. Unfortunately, the UK Prime Ministers before him were conservatives who appeared aligned with the European elites and their destructive plans. They said one thing and did another. Namely, they did what the EU wanted and never fuly cooperated with Brexit.

A Change of Heart with Low Poll Numbers

Starmer continued. “Now they [the Conservatives] want to wave it away with a simple ‘We got it wrong.’”

Only months ago, Starmer branded protesters against the murders of little girls “Nazis” and cracked down on free speech he saw as the biggest threat. He ignored the violence by migrants and only went after British citizens who were fed up. He was labeled “Two-Tier Keir.”

Now, he’s blaming only conservatives for the destruction of the United Kingdom. He has record low approval ratings and is responding accordingly as he continues to throw people in prison for their speech ‘crimes.’

Starmer admits the massive and dangerous migration was planned, but he isn’t serious about changing it. He is serious about silencing all complainants.


If Donald Trump hadn’t been elected, I think we would have ended up in World War III. Neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris were leaders. They were figureheads, and we don’t know who runs the country. The Brits and other nations in the EU’s hands have lost their collective minds. They want us to eliminate Russia as a threat to them despite the inevitability of nuclear war.

England has another elite in power. He is doing what Boris did before him – encourage world war – while all these unvetted masses flood their border, and citizens are locked up for their speech.

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