Ukraine Amb. to EU Demands They Sacrifice Russian Oil & Gas


Ukraine’s Ambassador to the EU said the EU will just have to sacrifice and give up Russian energy. Well, how realistic is that? We literally have fools ordering the West into self-destructive behaviors. If you disagree with these politicians, you’re silenced with the allegation that you support the Russian President.

The EU relies on Russia for at least 40% of their gas.


EU countries should be prepared to make “economic sacrifices” and approve the much-

A frozen faucet

anticipated ban on Russian oil imports, Ukraine’s ambassador to EU, Vsevolod Chentsov, told Euronews early this week. Then, today, Ukraine claimed they had to cut off Russian gas to the EU from Lugansk because it’s occupied by Russians.

“We think this solidarity, which is declared, should be converted into action. So far, the European Union has been quite united on sanctions. We hope this crisis on the oil embargo will be overcome,” Ambassador Chentsov told Euronews’ Efi Koutsokosta on Tuesday afternoon.

“We expect decision-makers in Hungary, in other countries, they’re human, they understand what’s going on in Ukraine. They themselves could see the level of atrocities around Kyiv and other cities. So in order to stop Russia, I think, EU member states should be also ready for certain sacrifices, including economic sacrifices.”

How can Ukraine officials expect the EU to stop buying oil and gas? They need it to survive.

Look to the UK for Total Insanity

Earlier, we noted that the UK is in dire straits.

Scottish Power CEO Keith Anderson told the Daily Mail on Monday that with gas prices skyrocketing in the wake of the conflict in Ukraine and Western sanctions on Russia, household energy bills could rise to £2,900 ($3,576) by October.

With some 10 million UK homes potentially unable to afford heating, Anderson called on the government to set up a support scheme.

“It will hit incredibly hard and immediately,” said Anderson, whose company supplies electricity to parts of Scotland, England, and Wales. “If nothing else happens by October, I think we will see a huge increase in pre-payment customers in effect self disconnecting – not reloading their pre-payment meter because they can’t afford to do it.”


DNI Director Avril Haines said yesterday: “We have, in fact, more insight probably on the Russian side than we do on the Ukrainian side.” Now, why is that? And shall we just trust Ukrainian officials who don’t seem to care about the suffering of their own people?

Ukrainian officials, especially con man President Zelenskyy, are driven, and they have the right audience here in the swamp. Look at this insanity:

I don’t know about you, but I think our open borders threaten democracy. What the Hell do Rep. Schneider’s comments even mean? Does Rep. Schneider know?

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