US Labor Market Is a Temp Agency for Foreigners & Government Workers


As we reported last Friday, Kamala turned in a catastrophic jobs report. The US labor market is becoming a temp agency for foreign workers and government bureaucrats. The economy is in freefall and even government spending can’t make up the losses.

So first, the numbers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs grew last month by 12,000. That was against expectations of 100,000, and it takes at least 150,000 jobs just to cover population growth. So, 12 is down a full 240,000 jobs from last month’s pre-revision, and it takes unemployed Americans to seven million.

Meanwhile, as always, previous months were revised down by a total of 112,000 jobs. Of course, they do this because the media does not report the revisions the way they report the original, apparently fake numbers.

As such, it suggests that last week’s 12,000 is, in fact, deeply negative. Whereas, private sector jobs, the only jobs that actually produce anything, fell for the first time since 2020, when the pandemic was in full swing, dropping 28,0000 and 46,000 in manufacturing. So how did we get to a 12 gain? Government jobs, which grew like gangbusters, up 40,000 to another record high with no sign of slowing. In fact, government payrolls have risen by over a million since Joe Biden and his sidekick took office. Just the past year, America has lost over 50,000 manufacturing jobs, but we gained nearly 500,000 government workers.

Government workers are paid nearly twice what regular workers make.

Biden-Harris dumped nearly a trillion dollars into green energy boondoggles in the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which should have pumped manufacturing jobs, even if the companies will go bust in a couple of years at taxpayer expense.

Meanwhile, government spending surged at a 9.7 percent annual rate going into the election because elections do not by themselves. And yet, apparently, the collapse of the actual productive economy is even overwhelming those trillions in bought growth zooming out, despite the government jobs, the green handouts, the Federal trillions, labor force participation, which the percent of Americans were either working or seeking work, fell again, stuck millions below the pre-pandemic trend.

Why? Well, I’ve mentioned in recent videos how native-born Americans are being wholesale replaced by imports. In just the past year, native-born workers have lost 800,000 jobs, entirely replaced by migrants. Finally, job composition once again: We lost full-time jobs in droves and were replaced by part-time gigs that historically were done to make ends meet.

The elephant in the room – this is a really bad number for Kamala, meaning the mainstream media will do everything they humanly can to pin it on hurricanes.


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