USAID for the Taliban: $500K on a Police Facility Made of Sand


A ProPublica site had a built-in tool that allows you to see the money wasted by USAID and DoD on failed projects in Afghanistan up until 2015. The site puts the wasted funds alongside what could have been bought with the money. This find comes from Maze Moore.

Maze Moore writes on X:

“USAID spent $335 million on a diesel-fueled power plant that just sat there because Afghans can’t afford to import diesel. $300-500 million on a dam deemed too unsafe to use. $250 million on a partial road that deteriorated. Millions of healthcare facilities don’t exist. $70 million on contractor fees for projects canceled before being started, but they got to keep the money anyway.

How nice of us.

“A contractor built a $500,000 police training facility that melted when it rained because it was made from sand.”

“The DoD paid almost $500 million for 22 unsafe cargo planes to fly and sold them as scraps for about $30,000.

“Zero consequences for not delivering. Given more money every year. And this is just Afghanistan to 2015. Imagine the tax dollars being wasted around the world.”

The US canceled projects, wasting $60 million, and another $74 million had questionable benefits.

Politicians are poor stewards of US taxpayer dollars.

We fund the Taliban terrorists.

Why were we wasting money on gender sensitivity training in Afghanistan? Did they honestly think this would work?

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