Vets Lose Hiring Preference As Feds Pack Jobs with Subversives


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The Biden regime has quietly revoked the veterans hiring preference for civil service jobs and promotions. This benefit for people who risked their lives for their country has existed since the 1944 Veterans Act. It gave eligible veterans preference over others for federal civil service selection appointments. The bureaucracy doesn’t want them. At the same time, they are packing the federal workforce and hiring like crazy, but not veterans or others who might not be loyal to the bureaucracy.

The goal of the veterans’ preference law was to “provide a uniform method by which qualified veterans [could] receive special consideration for federal employment,” according to

By law, veterans who are disabled or served on active duty during certain specified periods or in military campaigns are entitled to preference over non-veterans in hiring from competitive lists and in retention during reductions in force.

They can die for you, but they’re not woke Marxists loyal to the bureaucracy so they can’t have preference.


New guidelines from the Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service (DCPAS) now stipulate that “veterans’ preference should be considered on an equal basis as other qualified candidates.”

They are hiring like crazy, making it harder for the DOGE to eliminate government workers, but that’s not all.

A source from the U.S. Air Force told American Greatness: “This is government-wide hiring ramped up like never before seen. They are literally packing the federal workforce with as many loyalists and subversives as they can. Worst of all, they think it is their duty to do so.”

He added: “Since DEI is getting pettifogged rather harshly (and rightly so), this is yet another way they can worm into the bureaucracy—at the expense of veterans.”

The source told Debra Heine at American Greatness that “veterans are being cast aside for this new workforce (wokeforce).” READ HER ARTICLE FOR MORE INFORMATION.

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