For years, New Yorkers have watched our own Democrat Senator Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, slither through the D.C. Swamp, only to go AWOL while NYS and the Big Apple were in crisis.
He basically hid under his desk during COVID, the BLM riots, and as New York City was being overrun by “migrants.” No Sunday pressers when the narrative put his fellow Dems in a bad light. The one thing Chuckie made clear was when push came to shove, he would put a quest for personal power, and party loyalty before the needs of his state.
So it should come as no surprise to learn that Schumer, unpunished by his deep-blue constituents, took his self-serving ways to a much higher and more treacherous level. He proved to be the poster boy for perhaps the most dangerous political scandal in American history.
As evidenced by Chuck’s duplicitous words in the clip, he’d gone deliberately full coverup regarding Joe Biden’s dementia; essentially leaving a nation he’d sworn to protect, in the hands of a man barely capable of independently managing his own everyday needs.
Schumer apparently thought nothing of compromising the national security of the United States, even if it meant keeping an enfeebled Dem Commander in Chief at the helm. This, while wars were raging and our most deadly adversaries were circling like sharks.
Chuck Schumer and every other Democrat who was engaged in this disloyal, some might say traitorous behavior, should have their access to top secret briefings and classified materials reviewed and hopefully revoked.
Schumer and his cabal of corrupt, deep state, Dem narcissists cannot be trusted with the life and safety of American citizens.
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