View of Retired FBI Agent, Former JAG Officer on James Comey


by S. Noble

The comments below were written by a man who was an Army JAG officer, then an FBI Agent. I can’t give you his name but I agree with it and think many of our readers will as well. There are a few surprises like the revelation that Comey was never really an Agent. Personally, I thought he was an Agent – a kind of Elliot Ness but he’s more Al Capone.

Comey tried to convince us the Russians wanted Trump to win over Hillary. Comey couldn’t find intent. The man’s a liar, but let’s look at what a real Agent says.

The agent who wrote the following comments was responding specifically to an article in Western Journalism quoting former FBI Assistant Directors James Kallstrom, Bill Gavin and Ron Hosko who were offering their opinions on the Comey firing.

The Agent said he had “heat-burn” over one comment in particular made by Kallstrom: “Of course, they had no subpoena power, they couldn’t compel any investigation or search warrants. They had to beg people to look at things. The interview of Hillary Clinton, in my view, was a sham.” Kallstrom said.

“That is an untruth and Kallstrom is way out of touch on that one,” the former Agent wrote.

“Never once in my years did I ever have to ‘beg’ an Assistant U. S. Attorney (AUSA) for anything.  I worked my cases up to the the point they were ready for trial.  I, like most working Agents, maintained a good rapport with the AUSAs. Then when I presented the law and my facts to one of the AUSAs, they were always glad to see me.”

“This is not said as a pat on the back, but merely how it was.”

“Rest assured, practicing AUSA’s liked to win trial cases, as much as Agents did.  Only while they were the prosecutor and I was the investigator…we were both after the win.”

Another comment he objected to was made by Bill Gavin.

“And Gavin said ‘he’s an ethical guy’ to which I highly disagree, in that James Comey was a crook, and from what I read, most likely took money under the table from the Clinton’s.  For Hillary was as guilty as sin…Comey knew it…but gave her a pass.  I wish I had been case agent on that matter, for damn well, Hillary would have gone to trial from my investigative report presented to the AUSA.”

“Comey was nothing more than an administrative head, and apparently a sorry one at that.  As such, he never personally investigated a damn thing, but had others do the work for him.”

“And after retirement, my old buddy John made the comment to me that I was one of the most tenacious agents he had ever known and that he sure as hell would not have wanted me investigating him for anything. Nor is that said as a pat on the back either, for this is how all good solid Agents worked.  That is what we got paid for and was expected of us .. a quality presentation report based upon accurately set forth facts therein, from which, after AUSA review, I and the AUSA both expected to win, and did so in all my cases over those 25 years, with nary a loser.”

“Back to the point of all this though. James Comey ‘danced with the Devil’ and lost his ass.  But that is what eventually happens when you step over the line…Comey, are you listening?  Agents always took that matter to heed.”

“But here we all need to remember, that Comey was never an Agent, and please do not forget that point.  Putting it bluntly, Comey was nothing more than a high-stepping political appointee…like former federal judge William Sessions (the other canned former director)…both of whom fell off into the deep end and did not even know how to ‘dog paddle’ to get out of their swamp…”

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