Warren wants to investigate Trump for firing a staffer who says he wasn’t fired


Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth ‘Lieawatha’ Warren called for an investigation into the circumstances surrounding President Donald Trump’s decision to fire the Secret Service Director Randolph “Tex” Alles in a series of tweets Monday.

She’s trying to build her street credits since she can’t even win her own state in the presidential polls. She came in third in Massachusetts behind Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.

“The fact that @realDonaldTrump fired the @SecretService director at the same time the Mar-A-Lago news broke raises more concerns about the @WhiteHouse’s handling of security matters. @DHSgov should expand its investigation to include the circumstances of Alles’ firing,” Warren wrote on Twitter.

She attached the full copy of the letter she sent to Acting Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security John Kelly in which she asks him to further investigate the reason behind Alles’ firing.

The only problem for her is Tex says it’s not true. This partisan probing into every single thing the President does is getting extremely frustrating.


Secret Service Director Randolph “Tex” Alles has denounced reports President Trump abruptly fired him and insisted his departure was worked out weeks earlier, according to a statement he gave the Washington Examiner.

“No doubt you have seen media reports regarding my ‘firing.’ I assure you that this is not the case, and in fact was told weeks ago by the Administration that transitions in leadership should be expected across the Department of Homeland Security. The President has directed an orderly transition in leadership for this agency and I intend to abide by that direction,” Alles said in a statement to the Washington Examiner.

“It is my sincere regret that I was not able to address the workforce prior to this announcement,” he said.


Allegedly, it’s illegal for the President to appoint an acting director unless it’s the next in command.

Federal law explicitly excludes the application of the Federal Vacancies Reform Act to this situation. University of Texas law professor Steve Vladeck points out that under the law, the acting secretary of DHS should be Claire Grandy, the current undersecretary for management. If Trump is bent on having McAleenan serve, he’d first have to first fire Grandy.

Who knows what will happen now, but undoubteldy there will be an investigation.

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