Was Ariana Grande’s Concert Bombed Because She’s a Follower of Jewish Mysticism?
by Temerity Forthright
The terrorist bombing of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, has drawn world-wide anger. Many of the victims were young girls. The obvious question is why – Why that concert – Why a group of kids?
Since the age of 12, Ariana Grande, who is now 23, has been a follower of Kabbalah teachings. Kabbalah teachings have their roots in ancient Jewish mysticism.
Followers trace their Kabbalah roots back to Adam (from the book of Genesis in the Bible) and believe the teachings pre-date all world religions. Ariana has been a Kabbalah follower for more than a decade.
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Ariana was born in Florida to parents of Italian descent and was raised Roman Catholic. Her parents divorced when Ariana was just 10.
She started following the teachings of Kabbalah not long after her parents divorced and after her brother Frankie, 11 years her senior, was shunned by the Catholic Church for being homosexual. In 2014, Ariana told a British magazine that her “life has unfolded in a really beautiful way.” She attributed it to the tools she learned through Kabbalah.
Kabbalah has survived and flourished world-wide in spite of occasional bans on its teachings and various outside influences. Most of the writings are in Hebrew because of its Jewish origins. The 10 Sefirot (attributes or traditions) of the Kabbalah strike a balance between mercy and justice. The 10 attributes are all Hebrew words.
The purpose of studying Kabbalah is to achieve personal fulfillment. The Book of Splendor, called The Zohar, was revealed in Israel to Shimon Bar Yochai, a Jewish Rabbi.
Ariana’s breakout role was in the 2010-2013 Nickelodeon series “Victorious.” In addition to other TV appearances, she recently recorded the “Beauty and the Beast” soundtrack. But her fame is not without controversy.
If you remember back in 2015, Grande was caught on video licking donuts in a donut shop and saying, “I hate Americans. I have America.” She offered a couple of lukewarm, half-hearted social media apologies.
But for more than 10 years, Ariana has studied and followed the teachings of Kabbalah. Although she doesn’t speak specifically of her beliefs, she does espouse its teachings of treating others with kindness. The connection between Kabbalah and ancient Judaism is unmistakable. They are inexorably linked.
Could it be that the cowardly attack on Ariana Grande’s concert this week was not based on the age and gender of her fans, but on the nature of Ariana’s beliefs – the Jewish-based teachings of Kabbalah?
The bombing was absolutely an act of Islamic extremist terrorism, but maybe the reason for targeting Ariana Grande’s concert has been overlooked.
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