The Keynesian Democrats believe the government can control the economy. That theory is not working. In the clip below, Martin Armstrong, a self-made economist, predicts the end of America based on Socrates. Armstrong’s computer, Socrates, makes the predictions.
Armstrong compared history to today in the interview below. He said that ever since this socialistic idea infiltrated our politics, each side that gets into office believes one side has to suppress the other.
Democrats believe in a one-world government. They tried pandemics and climate change, and now they are moving to war to make that happen.
China is succeeding because it understands that the consumer-based free economy, which used to be the US economy, is the way to succeed. Socrates says the US will lose to China. Armstrong illustrates his statements.
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The US is too busy fighting over socialism, and it does not work.
His computers show we are heading into recession until 2028, and there isn’t much Donald Trump can do.
The media isn’t interested in reporting the news. According to his computers, we’re looking at the collapse of the Republican form of government by 2032. People are beginning to realize they can’t trust politicians, unrest will increase, those in power will become more authoritarian. Human emotions never change. Governments do not pay off their debts except for Romania.
He said they don’t understand what they are doing. They only want power.
Armstrong predicts stagflation. Politicians will get more authoritarian, there will be a rise in civil unrest, and no one will accept the winner, no matter who it is. He believes Democrats’ Plan B is to start a war before the election or certainly before January so Trump can’t get us out of it.
Powell broke the rule that you should never criticize the administration when he said this “spending is unsustainable.”
The government is full of academic Keynesians who don’t know what they are doing and are operating on a faulty premise. The interest on the debt is over $1 trillion. We aren’t getting out of this. He said a debt-to-equity swap could save us, but the government would have to stop borrowing.
We are in this socialistic agenda of Marx. Politicians can promise anything, but once they are in, they all vote party lines. They have no choice.
As an aside, he would like to see Robert F. Kennedy as attorney general like his father was. He could indict Pfizer.