WEF White Paper Sees an Urgent Need for Global Governance


The World Economic Forum has some big plans for the world, as explained in a November White Paper, Shared Commitments in a Blended Reality, 2024. They see the need for global governance within a future Internet with the growth of new technology and the alleged need to verify users’ identities.

They envision a future with global Internet governance. The would-be kings believe global rule is urgently needed.

They claim the internet is too decentralized and fragmented, thus requiring technocrats to rule over us and the world.

“These technologies are blurring the line between online and offline lives, creating new challenges and opportunities that require a coordinated and informed approach from stakeholders for effective navigation and governance.”

‘Blurring the line between online and offline lives’ may indicate an internet user’s online activity is linked to attributes of their physical bodies, such as their fingerprints or eyeball scans.

The one thing we know for certain is we don’t need these people, their global governance, and their eyeball scans.

They have an extensive plan to reshape the metaverse. They are social engineering the world.

The white paper states they will protect human rights by aligning with international standards, aka the UN. They talk about accountability, which can’t be achieved with a global bureaucracy. We see what happens with the UN and their dictator’s club.

The white paper claims they will respect digital independence but make these plans without our involvement.

The massive invasion of Western nations works into their plans.

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