Who’s the Bigger Hypocrite? John Kerry or DOJ Nominee Vanita Gupta


Democrats John Kerry and Vanita Gupta suffered some revelations this week that should prove to be quite embarrassing.

Climate czar and elitist professional scold Kerry was photographed on an American Airlines flight ignoring the CDC mandate requiring passengers to wear a mask.  Comfortably enjoying the first-class seat we can see him reading without a mouth and nose cover.

Remember the multiple times that John and his boss Joe Biden flogged all those “Average Americans” for going maskless?  Neither does Kerry.

Kerry’s not alone in his hypocrisy.  We’ve just learned that Biden Justice Department nominee Vanita Gupta has a stake in a business that is led by her father who pays workers in Mexico less than $2 an hour— despite her advocacy for a $15 an hour federal minimum wage in the U.S.

Testifying in front of Congress, Gupta said “Gradually raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2024, indexing it to median federal wages, and ensuring that all tipped workers, working people with disabilities, and young people get paid at least a full minimum wage is essential for working people to cover basic expenses like housing, food, transportation, childcare, health care, and other necessities,” she said.

No wonder folks are pouring across the Southern Border.  They can make 10 times more than what Vanita’s daddy’s paying them!

Who’s the bigger hypocrite, John Kerry or Department of Justice nominee Vanita Gupta?  Tough choice.

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