With the Exposition of Voter Fraud Imminent, Is There Reason for Patriots to Be Hopeful?



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With the Exposition of Voter Fraud Imminent, Is There Reason for Patriots to Be Hopeful?

By Paul Dowling

This is your last chance.  After this there is no turning back.  You take the blue pill: the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.  You take the red pill: you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”  – Morpheus to Neo, in The Matrix


The Deep State Media Have Deceived Americans for a Very Long Time

The public has been deceived by the Deep State media for a very long time, and, as Mark Twain has written, “How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and [how] hard it is to undo that work again!”  So, Trump’s mission to expose the fake news media has been about teaching Americans the Big Truths by exposing the Big Lies the Deep State media have been spreading like cancer for generations now.  The endgame has always been to win back American freedom, to be free of the behind-the-scenes puppet-masters currently in control of everything from the printing of currency by a private banking cartel (the Federal Reserve Bank) to the counting of votes by a private tabulation company (the Dominion Voting Systems).  After years of Trump’s red-pilling the Right, Biden has been red-pilling the Left – whether he wants to or not – demonstrating by executive action the abject misery that the Democrats, RINOs, and bureaucratic Swamp Creatures mean to visit upon the people through their socialist agenda.


A Deep Lesson to Save America

One thing is certain about human beings: To learn that a thing is true, most people cannot be told, they must be shown.  To borrow a metaphor from  the Wachowskis (the creators who wrote and directed The Matrix): To see that the Wonderland of the Matrix truly exists, and to comprehend just “how deep the rabbit hole goes,” the causes and effects of this Deep-State Matrix must be revealed in a way that has real-world consequences with respect to the people’s lives and livelihoods, especially when it comes to its socialistic aspects that will ultimately destroy everything that touches upon life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Having taught public school for over three decades, this author has become convinced that lecturing – or using words to give information – is limited in its utility, because people can just argue back against any assertions made with words of their own. But practical demonstrations are always effective, since people have difficulty refuting physical manifestations of what they have witnessed for themselves: for example, when students carry out science experiments to discover the facts for themselves about how the world works.  Biden, in essence, is carrying out practical demonstrations of Socialism in action; this will turn out to be an important lesson for Americans to learn, the results of which will boomerang on the Deep State, inoculating the people against Socialism by showing just how awful life can become under a totalitarian government.  No matter how favorably Democrats and RINOs try to characterize the socialist policies of the Biden/Harris Administration, the effects they have on the people cannot be covered up indefinitely.


President Trump: Exposing the Deep State and Turning the Tide Against Socialism

President Trump vowed that America would never become totalitarian, saying in his 2019 State of the Union Address that “America was founded on liberty and independence – not government coercion, domination, and control.  We are born free, and we will stay free.  Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”  Now, America finds herself at the crossroads.  And, if recent events – such as the Arizona vote recount, the Texas school board arrests, and the Florida gubernatorial ban on CoViD-related fines statewide  – are any indication, the tide is turning against the Biden/Harris Socialist Nightmare, as Americans begin to fight back, to secure for themselves the American Dream which is their birthright of freedom.


Of course, none of this would be happening without Trump’s leadership as president.  It was Trump who sent Rudi Giuliani and Jenna Ellis to the states whose elections were in dispute to push for investigations by their legislatures into the allegations of voter fraud.  According to True Pundit, it was Ellis who “predicted that the legislatures of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan would use their authority over determining Electoral College electors in order to reverse the fraud which Ellis argued was responsible for Biden’s margin in those states.”


President Trump Comments on the Recount

According to Newsweek, President Trump has said of the Arizona recount, “Let’s see what they find.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they found thousands and thousands and thousands of votes, so we’re going to watch that very closely.  You’ll watch Pennsylvania, and Georgia, and you’re going to watch Michigan and Wisconsin, and you’re watching New Hampshire – they found a lot of votes up in New Hampshire just now – because this was a rigged election, and everybody knows it.  We’re going to be watching it very closely.”  What sounds like mere bravado on Trump’s part is likely to prove otherwise, for, in all probability, Trump knows exactly what the Arizona recount is going to yield.


If Trump is right about what is going to be found by the upcoming audits – and he usually is about such things – then the people should be ready for the Deep State to throw one of its tantrums, once the election results are called into question.  There is likely to be rioting in the streets by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, the Stormtroopers of the Deep State.  Big Tech is likely to ratchet up their censorship, shutting down website after website and deplatforming every conservative media outlet reporting on the election fraud – even the likes of social media sites like Clouthub, Rumble, MeWe, and others.  People will realize just how deeply the Deep State and its corporatist operatives have infiltrated American companies, not the least of which are the web hosting services that – with the flip of a switch – can take out any website the Left wishes.  No one can say just how far these socialists will go to stop news of an illegitimate election from getting out.


Just Like Myanmar: Will America’s Updated Military Code Allow the Military to Step In?

Could a national crisis caused by election fraud create a situation similar to what has occurred in Myanmar, with the military stepping in to stop fraudulently elected leaders from exercising power illegitimately?  Might the US military utilize its powers under the Continuity of Government rules in the military code, due to Americans’ non-acceptance of an illegitimate electoral outcome, causing an inability on the part of the Biden/Harris Administration to govern?  Is it possible that the presidential election might be overturned and new elections held, across states, by the US military?


Newsweek has reported on updates to the military code that were made under President Trump with regard to Continuity of Government (COG), in case a national emergency might devolve into a situation where the power to run the government must fall upon the military.  The pretext for making changes to the military code was the question of what should happen if there were ever an emergency that might cause the government to be incapacitated.  According to the reporting of William M. Arkin, “Under Defense department regulations, military commanders are authorized to take action on their own – in extraordinary circumstances – where ‘duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation.’  The conditions include ‘large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances’ involving ‘significant loss of life or wanton destruction of property.’  The Joint Chiefs of Staff codified these rules in October 2018, reminding commanders that they could decide, on their own authority, to ‘engage temporarily’ in military control in circumstances ‘where prior authorization by the President is impossible’ or where local authorities ‘are unable to control the situation.’  A new Trump-era Pentagon directive calls it ‘extreme situations.’  In all cases, even where a military commander declares martial law, the directives say that civil rule has to be restored as soon as possible.” Come 2020, the Wuhan Virus could conceivably have caused such an emergency, if officials had fallen ill in high enough numbers to paralyze the government.


Does this mean that – if there is rioting in the streets by Antifa and other Leftists, as a result of the legitimacy of the presidential election being called into question – the US military might assume a continuity-of-government role, as Arkin suggests, to “suppress ‘insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy’ [and ensure] ‘the execution of the laws of [any] State, and of the United States within the State,’ [because] the public is deprived of its legal and constitutional protections [with local governments that are] ‘unable, fail, or refuse’ to protect the civilian population”?


It is interesting that Mike Pompeo expressed concerns about the validity of Myanmar’s elections prior to the military ouster of their elected officials.  Then, on Monday, February 1, 2021, the newly-elected Parliament was preparing to meet, when Myanmar’s military intervened by detaining State Counselor Suu Kyi and others, declaring that there had been mass election fraud requiring the military to step in.  The announcement was made that the military would govern for one year, after which new elections would be held.  Could something similar be about to happen in the US?  Did Pompeo’s expressed concerns about Myanmar’s elections mirror his private concerns about America’s?


Trump: Soon to Start Having Rallies Again

State legislatures nationwide are now fixing their rules for voting to guarantee election integrity, and the state legislatures of the electoral jurisdictions that are in dispute are now investigating voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.  In the meantime, Trump has announced that he is ready to begin having rallies once again.  According to the Gateway Pundit, “Trump will . . . announce if he is running for president again after the 2022 midterm elections.”  And Breitbart News reports that “Former President Donald Trump will reportedly hold at least two rallies in June and one on July 3.”


Could it be that Trump is being coy about his intention to run in 2024, because he may not need to wait that long before returning to the Oval Office, if multiple recounts succeed in overthrowing the election?  Trump knows that mass censorship will occur once the fraud becomes exposed, so the reason he has decided to hold the upcoming rallies is likely because he wants to get the message out to the people about what is going on, in the face of the Deep State’s oh-so predictable censoring and deplatforming of news outlets to come.  Trump has always told people the real news at his rallies – the truth.


Trump and the Promise of America

Donald Trump once said, “As long as America remains true to its values, loyal to its citizens, and devoted to its Creator, then our best days are yet to come.”  The speech wherein Trump uttered these words was recently posted to Twitter by Dan Scavino, Trump’s director of social media.  It is a reminder of America’s promise.  Hopefully, it will prove to be a promise that – sooner than later – Donald Trump will be able to keep.


Paul Dowling

Paul Dowling has written about the Constitution, as well as articles for Independent Sentinel, American Thinker, Godfather Politics, Eagle Rising, and Conservative Notions.

With the Exposition of Voter Fraud Imminent, Is There Reason for Patriots to Be Hopeful?

By Paul Dowling


This is your last chance.  After this there is no turning back.  You take the blue pill: the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.  You take the red pill: you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”  – Morpheus to Neo, in The Matrix


The Deep State Media Have Deceived Americans for a Very Long Time

The public has been deceived by the Deep State media for a very long time, and, as Mark Twain has written, “How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and [how] hard it is to undo that work again!”  So, Trump’s mission to expose the fake news media has been about teaching Americans the Big Truths by exposing the Big Lies the Deep State media have been spreading like cancer for generations now.  The endgame has always been to win back American freedom, to be free of the behind-the-scenes puppet-masters currently in control of everything from the printing of currency by a private banking cartel (the Federal Reserve Bank) to the counting of votes by a private tabulation company (the Dominion Voting Systems).  After years of Trump’s red-pilling the Right, Biden has been red-pilling the Left – whether he wants to or not – demonstrating by executive action the abject misery that the Democrats, RINOs, and bureaucratic Swamp Creatures mean to visit upon the people through their socialist agenda.


A Deep Lesson to Save America

One thing is certain about human beings: To learn that a thing is true, most people cannot be told, they must be shown.  To borrow a metaphor from  the Wachowskis (the creators who wrote and directed The Matrix): To see that the Wonderland of the Matrix truly exists, and to comprehend just “how deep the rabbit hole goes,” the causes and effects of this Deep-State Matrix must be revealed in a way that has real-world consequences with respect to the people’s lives and livelihoods, especially when it comes to its socialistic aspects that will ultimately destroy everything that touches upon life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Having taught public school for over three decades, this author has become convinced that lecturing – or using words to give information – is limited in its utility, because people can just argue back against any assertions made with words of their own. But practical demonstrations are always effective, since people have difficulty refuting physical manifestations of what they have witnessed for themselves: for example, when students carry out science experiments to discover the facts for themselves about how the world works.  Biden, in essence, is carrying out practical demonstrations of Socialism in action; this will turn out to be an important lesson for Americans to learn, the results of which will boomerang on the Deep State, inoculating the people against Socialism by showing just how awful life can become under a totalitarian government.  No matter how favorably Democrats and RINOs try to characterize the socialist policies of the Biden/Harris Administration, the effects they have on the people cannot be covered up indefinitely.


President Trump: Exposing the Deep State and Turning the Tide Against Socialism

President Trump vowed that America would never become totalitarian, saying in his 2019 State of the Union Address that “America was founded on liberty and independence – not government coercion, domination, and control.  We are born free, and we will stay free.  Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”  Now, America finds herself at the crossroads.  And, if recent events – such as the Arizona vote recount, the Texas school board arrests, and the Florida gubernatorial ban on CoViD-related fines statewide  – are any indication, the tide is turning against the Biden/Harris Socialist Nightmare, as Americans begin to fight back, to secure for themselves the American Dream which is their birthright of freedom.


Of course, none of this would be happening without Trump’s leadership as president.  It was Trump who sent Rudi Giuliani and Jenna Ellis to the states whose elections were in dispute to push for investigations by their legislatures into the allegations of voter fraud.  According to True Pundit, it was Ellis who “predicted that the legislatures of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan would use their authority over determining Electoral College electors in order to reverse the fraud which Ellis argued was responsible for Biden’s margin in those states.”


President Trump Comments on the Recount

According to Newsweek, President Trump has said of the Arizona recount, “Let’s see what they find.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they found thousands and thousands and thousands of votes, so we’re going to watch that very closely.  You’ll watch Pennsylvania, and Georgia, and you’re going to watch Michigan and Wisconsin, and you’re watching New Hampshire – they found a lot of votes up in New Hampshire just now – because this was a rigged election, and everybody knows it.  We’re going to be watching it very closely.”  What sounds like mere bravado on Trump’s part is likely to prove otherwise, for, in all probability, Trump knows exactly what the Arizona recount is going to yield.


If Trump is right about what is going to be found by the upcoming audits – and he usually is about such things – then the people should be ready for the Deep State to throw one of its tantrums, once the election results are called into question.  There is likely to be rioting in the streets by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, the Stormtroopers of the Deep State.  Big Tech is likely to ratchet up their censorship, shutting down website after website and deplatforming every conservative media outlet reporting on the election fraud – even the likes of social media sites like Clouthub, Rumble, MeWe, and others.  People will realize just how deeply the Deep State and its corporatist operatives have infiltrated American companies, not the least of which are the web hosting services that – with the flip of a switch – can take out any website the Left wishes.  No one can say just how far these socialists will go to stop news of an illegitimate election from getting out.


Just Like Myanmar: Will America’s Updated Military Code Allow the Military to Step In?

Could a national crisis caused by election fraud create a situation similar to what has occurred in Myanmar, with the military stepping in to stop fraudulently elected leaders from exercising power illegitimately?  Might the US military utilize its powers under the Continuity of Government rules in the military code, due to Americans’ non-acceptance of an illegitimate electoral outcome, causing an inability on the part of the Biden/Harris Administration to govern?  Is it possible that the presidential election might be overturned and new elections held, across states, by the US military?


Newsweek has reported on updates to the military code that were made under President Trump with regard to Continuity of Government (COG), in case a national emergency might devolve into a situation where the power to run the government must fall upon the military.  The pretext for making changes to the military code was the question of what should happen if there were ever an emergency that might cause the government to be incapacitated.  According to the reporting of William M. Arkin, “Under Defense department regulations, military commanders are authorized to take action on their own – in extraordinary circumstances – where ‘duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation.’  The conditions include ‘large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances’ involving ‘significant loss of life or wanton destruction of property.’  The Joint Chiefs of Staff codified these rules in October 2018, reminding commanders that they could decide, on their own authority, to ‘engage temporarily’ in military control in circumstances ‘where prior authorization by the President is impossible’ or where local authorities ‘are unable to control the situation.’  A new Trump-era Pentagon directive calls it ‘extreme situations.’  In all cases, even where a military commander declares martial law, the directives say that civil rule has to be restored as soon as possible.” Come 2020, the Wuhan Virus could conceivably have caused such an emergency, if officials had fallen ill in high enough numbers to paralyze the government.


Does this mean that – if there is rioting in the streets by Antifa and other Leftists, as a result of the legitimacy of the presidential election being called into question – the US military might assume a continuity-of-government role, as Arkin suggests, to “suppress ‘insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy’ [and ensure] ‘the execution of the laws of [any] State, and of the United States within the State,’ [because] the public is deprived of its legal and constitutional protections [with local governments that are] ‘unable, fail, or refuse’ to protect the civilian population”?


It is interesting that Mike Pompeo expressed concerns about the validity of Myanmar’s elections prior to the military ouster of their elected officials.  Then, on Monday, February 1, 2021, the newly-elected Parliament was preparing to meet, when Myanmar’s military intervened by detaining State Counselor Suu Kyi and others, declaring that there had been mass election fraud requiring the military to step in.  The announcement was made that the military would govern for one year, after which new elections would be held.  Could something similar be about to happen in the US?  Did Pompeo’s expressed concerns about Myanmar’s elections mirror his private concerns about America’s?


Trump: Soon to Start Having Rallies Again

State legislatures nationwide are now fixing their rules for voting to guarantee election integrity, and the state legislatures of the electoral jurisdictions that are in dispute are now investigating voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.  In the meantime, Trump has announced that he is ready to begin having rallies once again.  According to the Gateway Pundit, “Trump will . . . announce if he is running for president again after the 2022 midterm elections.”  And Breitbart News reports that “Former President Donald Trump will reportedly hold at least two rallies in June and one on July 3.”


Could it be that Trump is being coy about his intention to run in 2024, because he may not need to wait that long before returning to the Oval Office, if multiple recounts succeed in overthrowing the election?  Trump knows that mass censorship will occur once the fraud becomes exposed, so the reason he has decided to hold the upcoming rallies is likely because he wants to get the message out to the people about what is going on, in the face of the Deep State’s oh-so predictable censoring and deplatforming of news outlets to come.  Trump has always told people the real news at his rallies – the truth.


Trump and the Promise of America

Donald Trump once said, “As long as America remains true to its values, loyal to its citizens, and devoted to its Creator, then our best days are yet to come.”  The speech wherein Trump uttered these words was recently posted to Twitter by Dan Scavino, Trump’s director of social media.  It is a reminder of America’s promise.  Hopefully, it will prove to be a promise that – sooner than later – Donald Trump will be able to keep.


Paul Dowling

Paul Dowling has written about the Constitution, as well as articles for Independent Sentinel, American Thinker, Godfather Politics, Eagle Rising, and Conservative Notions.

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