The World Economic Forum members [the WEFs] attended their World Government Summit. They also posted a new video in which they admit they are looking are creating a New World Order. At least they are out in the open now.
Following are official videos of the World Government Summit. As they admit their mission, they say if you interpret it as a New World Order, you’re a conspiracy theorist. You will see what I mean as you read on.
The Left wants you to watch the official videos but not believe you’re lying eyes.
“The location of power is going to shift,” the WEFs say. They talk about a “shift in finance…political power.”
The Importance of Prayer: How a Christian Gold Company Stands Out by Defending Americans’ Retirement
The WEFs blame people for everything, so they naturally have to deprive us to save Mother Earth.
The New World Order is just a conspiracy theory.
The WEF just released their latest video.
It’s called the New World Order.
Where they openly tell you they are seizing global power and creating a New World Order.#NewWorldOrder— Zero Rekt (@Z3r0An0n) November 17, 2022
Wikipedia, not exactly a legitimate source, reports it’s a conspiracy theory:
New World Order
The New World Order is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian one-world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.Wikipedia
It sure doesn’t look like a conspiracy theory. It seems like they’re preparing a totalitarian new world order. Their ideas would lead to a totalitarian world with people like Klaus Schwab in charge. We suggest everyone read Schwab’s book, The Great Reset. I’m fairly sure this is why Democrats and RINOs are destroying our country, flooding our borders with illegals from all over the world.
Even if you think it’s a conspiracy theory, you must admit that Klaus Schwab is a threat to democracy.
No one voted for Klaus Schwab, but at the G20 summit, he said we need a “deep systemic restructuring of our world…and the world will look differently after we have gone through this transition process.”
Ha, its real
The “World Government Summit 2022” literally asks “Are you ready for a new world order” and youtube is like “this official and VERIFIED video is a conspiracy”
— Tim Pool (@Timcast) November 16, 2022
This is an official video, and they talk about the new world order as YouTube claims the New World Order is a conspiracy theory. These kooks are lying to us.
And in case you missed it, nine big banks came up with the digital dollar trial – better to control you, my dear.
They are literally calling for a one world government led by elites with all the peasants as stakeholders without a vote.
Here’s what I have to say about these nutjobs:
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