Absurd Headline: Ron DeSantis Bans Disney Cast Members from Florida


The misleading and absurd headline above—Ron DeSantis Bans Disney Cast Members from Florida—is confusing until you realize in the last paragraphs that they are concerned about Disney salaries

The authors use a new Florida law to complain about salaries. It’s a reach and makes clown world status.

The bill doesn’t ban homeless people:

Florida’s homeless will be banned from sleeping on sidewalks and in parks and other public spaces under a law signed Wednesday by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. It also promises the homeless greater access to services for issues such as substance abuse and mental health problems.

The State Department of Children and Families would oversee local governments that set up designated areas for the homeless to camp for up to a year under the new law, which takes effect Oct. 1. Anyone using those encampments would be prohibited from using alcohol or illegal drugs, with sanitation and security to be provided.

“It will help maintain and ensure that Florida streets are clean and Florida streets are safe for our residents,” said Desantis.

They’re being offered help!

According to a news release from the governor’s office, the encampments will be created if local homeless shelters reach maximum capacity. The law requires regional entities to provide necessary behavioral treatment access as a condition of a county or city creating an encampment.

The real point of the article:

According to one survey, roughly ten percent of full-time Magic Kingdom Park cast members are homeless. One former unhoused Disney cast member called The Walt Disney Company’s negotiations with struggling employees “dismal.”

“Walt Disney World is built off the backs of these low-wage workers,” the former Disney cast member said. She urged employees and guests to support unions, arguing that “every single one of us who doesn’t speak out or try and help in any way is contributing to the problem.”

Disney characters make between $14 and $24.95. They make an additional $4.95 if they appear on stage. Disney could pay more.

The headline and premise behind the article were just so ridiculous.

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