ACLU’s New Normal: Fake Trans Pleasuring Self in Girl’s Locker



American locker room gym school interior – 3D Illustration

The Gateway Pundit published a story from the Kenosha County Eye: A high school in Wisconsin has come under fire and is facing potential legal action after girls at the school complained of a biological male claiming to be transgender, using their locker rooms, exposing his p*nis, and allegedly masturbating with lotion that he says is to “prevent chafing.”

The Wisconsin ACLU stated last year that public schools in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Illinois are legally required to allow students to use the restroom and locker room consistent with their gender identity. Denying trans students this right is a violation of both Title IX and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

This is the new normal if people don’t stand up against it. There is only a minority of people who want this, but the un-American ACLU wants you to believe it’s the majority.

We all know it’s crazy so speak up.

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