Acting Secret Service Dir. Was Responsible for J13 Security


Sen. Hawley said a whistleblower told him that Acting Secret Service Director Rowe directed cuts to the USSS agents who do threat assessments for events. None of those agents were in Butler. Some had warned of security problems for months.

This is the allegation. Rowe was directly responsible for the day-to-day operations.

In other words, the Acting Director is the person who shares much of the blame for the attempted assassination. He is also running an investigation into himself.

Serious Manpower Reductions

“The whistleblower claims that if personnel from Secret Service Counter Surveillance Division had been present at the rally, the gunman would have been handcuffed in the parking lot after being spotted with a rangefinder,” Hawley wrote in his letter to Director Rowe.

“The whistleblower further alleges that you personally directed significant cuts to CSD, up to and including reducing the division’s manpower by twenty percent.”

“You did not mention this in your Senate testimony when asked directly to explain manpower reductions,” Sen. Hawley wrote.

Retaliation for Complaints

The whistleblowers claimed the Secret Service would retaliate against agents “who expressed concern about the security at President Trump’s events.”

“The whistleblower claims that following an event with the former President at a golf tournament in August of last year, Secret Service personnel present expressed serious concern that the Secret Service’s use of local law enforcement was not adequate for security needs: local law enforcement were not properly trained for the event or otherwise prepared to execute the tasks given them,” Hawley added.

“Further, Secret Service personnel expressed alarm that individuals were admitted to the event without vetting. The whistleblower alleges that those who raised such concerns were retaliated against.”

Sen. Hawley wants a response from Rowe by August 8.

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