Administration to Investigate UN & NGOs Roles in the Invasion


Border Czar Tom Homan said the Trump administration would investigate the United Nation’s role in the invasion of our country. The NGOs will also be investigated. The administration promises to be fully transparent. Everyone will know what the UN and NGOs have done, and they will be held accountable.


The United Nations has used US funds to aid and abet the invasion of our country. The US funds it more than any other member nation.

The Conservative Daily Podcast reports that Todd Bensman traveled to Mexico numerous times. He personally witnessed officials with the United Nations International Organization for Migration giving pre-paid cards to illegal aliens. They use them to travel to the US. An illegal alien family of four will get 800 dollars a month from the UN until they reach the United States.

This has happened for years!

In 2019, Congress paid over 11 Billion to UN entities. Roughly 22% of all UN funding comes from American Taxpayers.

They are literally using US tax dollars to help illegal aliens reach the United States. The intent is to form a new country within a country.


According to the podcast’s hosts, Joel Oltman and Max McGuire, every cent that the United States sends to the United Nations is used against us and against our interests.

“Funding we send to the WHO ends up being used to cover up China’s role in releasing Covid-19 from the lab. Money sent to UNESCO – an organization meant to protect world heritage sites – ends up being used against Israel. Funding sent to the UNRWA gets funneled into Palestinian terrorism. The billions sent to the UN’s Green Climate Fund got redistributed to China and India so they can steal even more American jobs. And now we know that the UN IOM is giving prepaid debit cards to illegal aliens in Central America to help them reach the US border…”

Footage from the Daily Mail shows migrants being escorted into the states by people wearing vests associated with UN officials who promote resettlement.


In 2019, the head of United Nations Global Communications said that it is a “right” for migrants to illegally enter another country for asylum.

“It is never a crime to seek asylum in another country, even if one enters a country irregularly,” she added.

Melissa Fleming wrote on Facebook that “the right to seek asylum is enshrined in Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights & was made binding by the 1951 Refugee Convention.”

That’s the UN!

She didn’t specifically mention the United States. However, it’s certainly clear she includes the U.S. and is sending a message. Almost all of the illegal aliens are claiming asylum now. And we have our own congresspeople going to the border to coach them and torment border agents.

Fleming is another far-left voice for the asylum deception the left in this country and in the U.N. They have promoted the idea that all these illegal aliens are asylum seekers. The goal is to collapse our asylum system.

Fleming, an American, is the spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). She is no friend of the United States.

They are handing out maps.

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