After Biden Trashes Cops at Sharpton Event NYPD Widows Celebrate “Miracle Babies”


After Biden Trashes Cops at Sharpton Event  NYPD Widows Celebrate “Miracle Babies”

by James S. Soviero


Biden at Al Sharpton’s racist organization.

Last week, Joe Biden used his appearance at Al Sharpton’s D.C “MLK” event to trash cops.  Taking a knee before “Sharpie’s” audience, “Joey” made “demonstrably false and….inflammatory” anti-cop comments.

He made 3 BS claims.  They were:

1)police must “shoot to wound,”

2) more minorities needed be recruited into law enforcement, and

3) communities required “cops who are fair.”

The first fabrication has proven to be a Hollywood fantasy, while the second overlooks how many big cities have majority-minority police forces, mayors, and commissioners.  The latter basically nukes the whole “fair treatment” complaint.

Days later, the widow of slain NYPD officer Jason Rivera — gunned down with partner Wilbert Mora a year ago — left behind a “miracle” for his longtime love, who announced Saturday she’s pregnant with his child.

Dominique Luzuriaga Rivera

“One of the things I’m learning is that God works in mysterious ways,” said Dominique Luzuriaga Rivera at a St. Patrick’s memorial service honoring the anniversary of the fatal shooting of both her husband and Officer Mora.

“Though sorrow and pain, there can also be a rebirth. I am blessed to say that Jason and I will be expecting our miracle this spring.”

“Although Jason won’t be here in physical form to see and experience our miracle, I know he will always be here in spirit watching, protecting, and loving us,” she added.

“To my unborn child, my hope is with time, guidance, and love they, too, will get to know their father, and as a family” we will “never forget Jason’s tremendous legacy of success and ultimate sacrifice.”

Rivera’s sperm was harvested at the hospital after he was gunned down.

Apparently, Luzuriaga Rivera followed the lead of Sanny Liu, who gave birth to daughter Angelina in 2017 thanks to artificial insemination, two-and-a-half years after her husband, NYPD cop Wenjian Liu was murdered. He, along with his partner Rafael Ramos, was slain while protecting a housing project in Brooklyn.

Officers Rivera, Mora, Liu, and Ramos were minorities. The first two mentioned were ambushed by a career criminal.  He was not shooting to wound those two heroes.  Liu and Ramos were assassinated by a BLM terrorist who came from Baltimore for that specific purpose.  The assassin took a shooter’s stance and shot both officers in the head as they sat in their patrol car.

So, shortly after a desperate pandering, pathetic president besmirched a Blue Line growing ever thinner, these courageous widows graced all with their uplifting stories.

They celebrated their heroic husbands and miracle babies while eloquently putting the lie to Biden’s divisive bluster.  Bravo! God bless them!

Jason Rivera and Wilbert Mora

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