Airline passengers threatened with a no-fly list & 20 years in jail if they don’t wear their mask properly


As a former stewardess, I now wonder if flight attendants have too much power? This is one incident but it is concerning.

A video clip shows a Spirit Airlines flight attendant threatening to put anyone who doesn’t properly wear their mask on a no-fly list for life and have them arrested and jailed for 20 years.

“Once the door is closed if we have to ask you more than once to cover your nose, mouth, put your mask on – we are not gonna be rude, we are not gonna be nasty – we are gonna simply take your seat number and your name and when we get where we are going, you will either be arrested, fined, but you will also be placed on a no-fly list, meaning you will not be able to fly on any airline for the rest of your life,” says the flight attendant.

That doesn’t sound very nice or reasonable. What do you think?

He then adds that he doesn’t want “to do the extra paperwork,” before inviting anyone who doesn’t agree to leave the plane.

The staffer, who says his name is Marrio, claimed, “Let me remind you, we are government officials, this is government property.” He then threatened passengers who misbehave with 20 years in prison and a $250,000 dollar fine. If anyone uses a weapon, they face life in prison.

He ended with ‘Welcome Aboard.’

I thought airlines just dragged customers off planes now.


Spirit Airlines follows CDC Guidelines and recently responded to someone who had a non-approved face mask in the tweet below. We went to their website and the only punishment for violating their rules is banning the offender from future flights on Spirit Airlines. They are said to have the strictest airline policy but we couldn’t find the tyrannical punishment this steward outlined.


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