The evil in the Democrat Party should be condemned. The media won’t do it. They are the purveyors of it. One of the most evil is Hillary Clinton.
A number of years ago, I interviewed an IRS investigator who was in the Tea Party. She told me a story of how Hillary Clinton intervened in favor of a Chinese man who had committed several white collar crimes. No one dared to pursue his prosecution. She said everyone was terrified of her.
Here is Hillary Clinton making outrageous, hateful remarks:
“Listen, people would get legitimately elected, and then they would try to do away with elections; and do away with opposition; and do away with a Free Press. And you could see it in countries where, well, Hitler,” she casually noted, “was duly elected, right? Right, and so, all of a sudden, somebody with those tendencies, so dictatorial, authoritarian tendencies, would be like, ‘oh, OK, we’re going to shut this down. We’re going to throw these people in jail, and they didn’t usually Telegraph that. Trump is telling us what he intends to do…”
This is Hillary Clinton on The View comparing President Trump to Hitler.
Funny thing but it’s actually members of her own party whose antisemitism rivals Hitler’s, not
— Joey Mannarino (@JoeyMannarinoUS) November 8, 2023
The Importance of Prayer: How a Christian Gold Company Stands Out by Defending Americans’ Retirement
Hillary Clinton goes on the View, compares Trump to Hitler , on the same day Comer and the House Oversight Committee issue subpoenas to Hunter Biden, James Biden. Only one of the two things I’ve just typed matters. -VJ— RealVinnieJames (@RealVinnieJames) November 8, 2023
Joe Scarborough makes millions lying on TV
The former blatherskite of the Republican Party, Joe Scarborough, saw where he finally belonged, and it’s in the progressive Democrat party. Since landing there, he has done everything in his power to destroy the Republicans who used to be his colleagues. He was always self-promoting on Fox News, but it’s hard to believe he’s gotten this bad.
His comments are actually funny because he accuses former President Trump of doing what Democrats are doing. Democrats are trying to imprison their political opponents, starting with Donald Trump.
I did as he said and followed his advice. I looked at Donald Trump’s history and couldn’t find any dead bodies around him. However, I did find a lot of dead bodies around Hillary and Bill Clinton, and he has one that ended up under his desk. Maybe we should be looking at them.
“Because he will do; he will get away with; he will imprison; he will execute whoever he’s allowed to imprison; execute and drive from the country. Just look at his past,” Morning Joe said.
MSNBC tells their viewers Trump is going to execute his political opposition.— Big Fish (@BigFish3000) November 21, 2023
Claire McCaskill is back spreading her venom.
She was fairly successful last time convincing people to be afraid of Donald Trump. Yet he ran the country in a very traditional manner, and he followed the constitution. If anything, he wasn’t radical enough. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan let him down, as well as the Democrats. The insane hyperbolic rant below is typical of the evil approach they use to turn people against any opposition. It would make Joseph Goebbels proud.
She lies at the end and says Trump announced it was OK to overturn the Constitution to keep him in power. He questioned the election using legal means every step of the way. Now, lawyers who advised him and helped him follow the Constitution are being persecuted.
“Other people have tried to draw similarities between people like Mussolini and Hitler and the use of terminology like ‘vermin’ and the drive that those men had towards autocracy and dictatorship.
The difference though, I think Donald Trump is even more dangerous in that is he has no philosophy he believes in is he is not trying to expand the boundaries of the United States of America; he’s not trying to overcome a neighboring country like Putin is in Ukraine; he is not going for some grandiose scheme of international dominance; all he wants is to look in the mirror and see a guy who’s president. All he cares about is selfish self-promotion. That’s the only philosophy he has, which makes him even more dangerous because he has actually said out loud that it would be OK to terminate the Constitution to keep him in power. He said this; he actually said those words, and the irony is all of these supposed conservative folks that have populated the Republican Party all stood around and with their thumb in their mouth going, ‘Well, yeah, OK, I guess so.”
Is that what his supporters say?
That’s incredibly nasty, condescending, and untrue. Democrats have contested every election since George Bush and even before.
Does anyone really believe that Joe Biden got 81 million votes legitimately?
Morning Joe is in pure PANIC mode as Claire McCaskill says Trump is “even more dangerous” than Hitler:
“A lot of people have tried to draw similarities between Mussolini and Hitler…The difference though, I think, makes Donald Trump even more dangerous. And that is he has no…
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 22, 2023
Joe Biden is the figurehead of the problem. Today, he is increasing reparation for migrants. Imagine the hate that drives someone to open our borders to anonymous aliens, including criminals, terrorists, and deadbeats, and then makes suffering Americans pay for them. it takes a lot of hate.
“Today we are taking a balanced approach, this includes $ increasing reparation for Migrants.”
NYC: Migrants and activists pull a sleep in to demand the city give Migrants more accommodations and better living situations.
— Joni Job (@jj_talking) November 17, 2023
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