America Has a Subversion Problem
By Mark Schwendau
The highest art of warfare is to not fight at all but use subversion such that you take over a country and its people without needing to fire a single shot. In practice, it is generally accepted it only takes four steps to subvert a government. A former Russian KGB agent, Yuri Bezmenov, who defected to the West and settled in Canada in the 1970s made the west aware of how Russia made use of subversion. He specifically would lecture and outline the four stages of subversion.
His lesson is becoming ever more popular in these current times.
According to Yuri Bezmenov there are four stages of subversion:
- Demoralization – this step of the process takes about 15-30 years to perform (a generation). In this stage, the moral fiber and integrity of the country is called into question. In so doing doubt is created in the minds of the people as to how things have been thought about and done in the past as opposed to “new age” thinking for today.
Key to doing so requires control of the media as well as academia. This is how a generation of young people can come to embrace new values while discarding old ones. Truth and reality are replaced with perceptions and ideals. The recent unprecedented blanket coverage by the 6 mainstream television networks preempting their normal scheduling of the January 6 Unselect Insurrection Committee offers a classic example of subversion. The broadcast was perceived as a complete and utter sham as they denied due process and were an orchestrated scripted proceeding the public did not buy.
- Destabilization – in this step of the process the purpose is to change the status quo and it takes 2-5 years to perform. The country’s economy, foreign relations, and defense systems become common targets. This step also includes questioning long-standing laws as set by the Supreme Court of the United States.
Government dependency is the intent in this step. The ideal is to create a massive government bureaucracy permeating society to intrude into the lives of its citizens. Again, media and academia become the tools of support to push youth in this direction. Government entitlements and benefits are often used or only promised to encourage public support. Basically, people are being coerced with bribes to accept these changes.
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Bezmenov claimed after this stage is complete, the naive useful idiots of the media and academia are no longer needed. In fact, they become a risk as they will become vocal protesters of new government policies of control after learning of their betrayal. The new government will need to dispose of them quickly. Examples of where this occurred have been in Nicaragua, Grenada, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh.
- Crisis – this major step of the process that happens rapidly in a period of just weeks to months. It involves a revolutionary change to the power structure of the past. Usually, a cataclysmic event is staged to upset and divide the country thereby creating panic among the citizens.
Recent examples to prove Bezmenov right include the 2011 upheavals in the Middle East, most notably Egypt and Libya. The recent Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates are examples of circumventing the American Constitution and altering the checks and balances of our government. The entire question of who established “essential” and “non-essential” businesses is worthy of a Congressional investigation as the designation of “non-essential” put some small businesses out of business.
Red flag gun confiscation and martial law would be this step allowed carried out to its fullest extent.
- Normalization – the final stage is where citizens finally acquiesce and begin to assimilate to the new government order (communism). Bezmenov observed this can take another two decades to complete.
Bezmenov observed the first step, Demoralization, was completed so fast and easily Russians were surprised how easily it had taken place. He cautioned a clear indicator of this step is the moral decay of a country and the decline of organized religion. Religion is considered a beacon for morality. When it begins to retreat whereby church leadership no longer stands up for what is right and attendance and membership shrink, that is a major warning sign of what is to come.
He also thought step two was nearing completion in 1985 but underestimated the rise and popularity of U.S. President Ronald Reagan as a world leader, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
Yuri Bezmenov died in 1993 without realizing how appreciated his exposure to the process of subversion has become. He was a good man trying to warn the western world of the evils of communism and how it can so subtly take over. He wanted America to remain a free and democratic Republic bound to the U.S. Constitution. However, Bezmenov taught us that communism involves patience and perseverance to alter the perceptions of people. He taught us the observation skills needed to identify those engaging in each step and how to call them out and stop them.
The anarchy of the summer of 2020 allowed this to occur during a supposed pandemic lockdown related to protests turned riots of Antifa and BLM, and the removal of America’s heritage in the form of historic statues under the false pretense of racism are classic examples of Step 1, Demoralization. Other examples include attacking those who want to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” or put “America First”. Human trafficking and open borders bloat the population with those feeling they are beholding to commit criminal acts for those (Democrats) who illegally allowed them into the country (pandering for votes).
Step 2 violations by subversives include House Representative Maxine Waters (D) California) and Senator Chuck Schumer (D) New York who have a problem with supposed insurrection over a stolen election until Supreme Court decisions go against their agendas (i.e. abortion is a Constitutional right but gun ownership is not).
Any person, Democrat or Republican, who tries to demonize nationalism, should be suspected as subversive.
Also, from a historical footnote of the moral breakdown of any society is the decline of modern civilization due to its acceptance and promotion of sexual confusion.
Androgyny – the state of being neither specifically feminine nor masculine nor the combination of feminine and masculine characteristics. The new term is “gender fluid”.
Those wishing to destroy America have given us notable soundbites throughout history:
“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” – Joseph Stalin
The bottom line is, “They hate us because they ain’t us!”
Copyright © 2022 by Mark S. Schwendau
Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.” He classifies himself as a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist. Mark is an award-winning educator who has published 7 books and numerous peer-reviewed trade journal articles some of which can be found on the Internet. His father was a fireman/paramedic while his mother was a registered nurse. He holds multiple degrees in technology education, industrial management, OSHA Safety, and Driver’s Education. His personal website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.
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